Mr. GQ

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One weekend Brooks invited me to another gala type thing. We didn't go shopping first or anything he said I could wear the same dress as before because it wasn't as important as the last one. He asked me to go because he didn't want to be lonely and was still sad from his bad date with Elizabeth. Corey didn't come because he was exhausted and didn't think it would be as fun. While me and Brooks were there I just stood by him the whole time and watched him talk to other rich people. At one point I had got distracted, I had spotted, across the room, the most attractive man I had ever seen. I mean sure Corey is cute but that guy could've been a GQ model. He was super tall like maybe 6'5 and he had huuuggee muscles, not like massive body builder but like sexy gym instructor muscles. His skin was tanned and he had calloused hands so it looked like he did a lot of outdoor physical labor. His hair was like a golden blonde it reminded me of Corey's hair color. And Mr. GQ had a well groomed man-beard. This man was older though and his hotness was in a mature sort of Most Interesting Man in the World way. I turned to Brooks and said, "Hey! Who's that dude over there?"

Brooks just rolled his eyes and said "Ugh this Guy? You don't even wanna know."

"Hm...okay" I kept watching Mr. GQ as he went around talking to people and grabbing free stuff. Something about him just seemed so familiar. Something about his face and the way he behaved I felt like I had met him before. After a while I ended up letting it go and just getting drunk off my ass on expensive champagne.

When I woke up the next morning I didn't remember the night before until later. I got up out of the bed and went to get some juice while Corey was still sleeping. I walked to the kitchen but I had the feeling someone was following me. I wrote it off as nothing and just had my juice but when I turned around it was Mr. GQ! I screamed and said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE??"

He looked at me with a straight face and said with his deep voice and thick accent, "Oh, you mean my house?"

"WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??" I screamed some more and I slowly made my way to my purse and took out the lipgloss shaped pepper spray that Corey had bought me as a joke and I pointed it at the man.

He said in the same tone, "I bought this house it's mine. I should be able to walk in whenever I want, no?"

"WHAT??" I said, still freaking out.

He began to walk around the house slowly with me still pointing the pepper spray at him and he stopped in the living room looking up at the light saying, "What a beautiful chandelier! I must have one just like it!"

"What?? That chandelier is hideous! Only person in the world who likes that thing is...." then it hit me, this guy had to be—

"Dad?" Corey said sleepily, coming out of his room.

"WHAT?" I screamed.

"That's my dad" Corey said pointing, "Why are you here??"

"I wanted to visit, what I'm not allowed to visit?"

"Well—you scared Ella." Said Corey.

"Who is this? Your girlfriend?"

"Yes actually" Corey said with sass.

Then his dad turned to me and introduced himself, "I'm Maksim."

"Maxim? Like the magazine?" I said, genuinely confused.

"No, Maksim, M-A-K-S-I-M" He said, laughing a bit.

"Why did he just break into our home?" I asked Corey.

"I didn't break in, I bought this home I own a key I can come in when I want." Maksim said.

"Well his logic seems pretty sound" Corey said.

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