Corey's Heart Attack

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"Okay Ella I've done it now! Oh fuck I've really done it now!!" Corey said frantically after walking over to my desk looking mortified.

"What? What happened??" I asked.

"Aw fuck. Oh shit I'm gonna get fired I'm TOTALLY gonna get fired."

"WHAT HAPPENED??" I yelled.

He pulled the chair from the neighboring cubicle and sat next to me, "Okay okay okay so I told the boss I was gonna help out with customer service since I wasn't busy today but uh—that was a lie. I just wanted to call Dane cuz he's in fucken Mexico and I didn't wanna pay for long distance calling. But anyways the boss came over while I was on the phone and he heard me call Dane a fucken dumb ass idiot but you know I kid with him like that but uh this means that either our boss knows I lied or he thinks I was cussing out a customer. ELLA IM GONNA GET FIRED."

"Oh—that's kinda bad, damn. But I doubt you'll be fired."

"No Ella I've really really done it this time. I even showed up with a neck tattoo and a new piercing! Oh I'm so fired!!"

"Corey calm down you're not getting fi—"

I was interrupted by our boss coming over, "Constantín can I see you in my office—now."

Corey nodded and followed him into his office, looking back at me absolutely mortified. I was so worried it did seem like he was going to get fired and it was definitely a scary thought. I thought allll about how I was going to fight it and I got deep into an imaginary situation where I quit with him and the office descended into anarchy but I lost all train of thought when Corey came back out. "Well, what happened? I asked."

He had a worried and frozen look on his face, "I uh— I just got a promotion."

"A PROMOTION! Wow!" I was absolutely ecstatic.

"Yea I'm head of I.T. now so basically I take care of everyones issues not just our section. It does come with a pretty good raise though!" He laughed.

"Oh wow everyones? Doesn't that seem like a bit much for one person to handle."

"Well it used to be split into 4 groups. I had this section, Carl had the section over there and Gina took the last part. Leaving Taylor do deal with off work hours problems and uh— corporate downsized recently as you know, getting rid of 3 I.T people, leaving just me.... so I now have 4 peoples jobs but I'm making pretty good money for it."

"I hope it doesn't get to be too much."

"Me too."

"Hey well let's celebrate! We can get champagne and whatever kinda food you want later today how's that?"

"Oh yay! My first time celebrating something with champagne!"

I laughed at his enthusiasm and then we both got back to work.

Later on the way home we picked up everything he wanted but it seemed like he was starting to stress eat. He bought 3 burgers and fries we also got a pizza. He ate most of the fries and half a burger by the time we actually got home, and when we were home he devoured everything pretty quickly but I could tell he was on edge and worrying.

In the middle of the night he got up and made cookies. "Corey what are you doing."

"Couldn't sleep."

"So you're making cookies?"

"Yea I just really feel like I need some cookies."

"Well I'm gonna stay up with you. Need any help?"

I helped him with his cookies and eventually we did go to bed before morning. The next day at work things we totally different. He was constantly working to solve everyone's little problems and stress eating a lot. Even at home he was working until late night because there were just so many people. It was like this for a week it just never stopped, he turned into a new kind of stressed out always busy not fun-loving Corey. Everything was, "I can't I gotta work" and it really sucked.

Sweater Guy and Cubicle Girl Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon