Slumber Parties are Cool

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Corey and I were setting up for our surprise slumber party. We had cute pink decorations everywhere and an adorable cake that said happy birthday and it had little pillow icing designs in the corner. Kathy was picking up some pizza and snacks for our night.

"I'm so excited, I hope she likes it." I said to Corey.

"If she says nothing it means she does, she's not one for strong expression." He explained.

"Hm alright I'll keep that in mind."

Kathy had arrived with the food and we set it up all cute on the counter. "Okay so can you tell me more about Constance? I wanna make sure I don't do anything dumb." Kathy asked.

"Okay sure, she seems a little mean but I promise she doesn't bite. Just don't say anything about vegans or complain too much and you'll be fine." Said Corey.

"I guess I can manage that."

Then it was time for Connie to arrive. We didn't tell her about the sleepover, Corey just told her to come over for cake. When she came in we all yelled "SURPRISE!" and she was startled and just looked around.

"We threw you a slumber party!" I said.

She remained speechless but a much softer, less aggressive face than usual. That was a good thing. "We're gonna play never have I ever, eat pizza and watch a scary movie, do makeovers, make a blanket fort" Corey said. "Doesn't that sound fun?"

She answered with something in Russian sounding awfully monotonous.

"What'd she say?" I asked.

"She's very overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude." Said Corey, cheerfully.

"Awwe! Lets get started then!" I said. I was so excited that she liked the idea. First we had matching pajamas. Me and Kathy had bought three pairs of hot pink pjs a few days before, it came with pink leggings with a owl and moon pattern and then a white sleep shirt with a bigger picture of the owl. They were super cute. But after we came home to show Corey he was mad that we didn't buy him a set too, I had to apologize and explain that I didn't know he wanted them too. We ended up going back and buying him a set. Anyways, we showed Connie our pajamas and handed her a set, she changed and we took lots of cute pictures. Then we made a giant blanket fort to play games in.

We started with never have I ever. Connie went first, "Hmm never have I ever sneaked out at night as a teenager." I was the only one with a hand raised.

Then it was Corey's turn, "Never have I ever been arrested." No one raised their hand. Corey looked at Connie with a snooty look and said "Raise your hand Constance."

She reluctantly raised her hand and said "shut up Constantín" playfully.

I gasped and said "Connie! Oh my gosh what did you do? Spill the tea!"

"I was at a store and the ATM didn't work so I punched it and got arrested for destruction of property" She said, throwing a fake punch in the air.

We all laughed at it. Then it was my turn, "Hm... never have I ever went to the gym just to scope out hot guys." Kathy and Corey both raised their hands, I was confused by Corey's response and repeated, "Corey I said hoy guys."


"You went to the gym to look at hot guys?"

"Well I certainly didn't go to work out." He said, shrugging.

"Oh I didn't know you liked guys." I said.

"Bold of you to assume. But I'm kinda a 'I don't care what you are, if you're a nice person and you can cook, lets go' kinda guy, you know?" He replied. I swear I learn something knew about Corey every day.

We finished our game and then went for makeovers. Kathy got to do Connie. "Connie you always have such dark makeup on, I'm gonna do something lighter okay? I wont go crazy" Connie agreed, excited to have a new look.

"Coreyyyyy can I put makeup on you? Please please?" I asked Corey but jokingly.

"Yea make me an e-boy! No! I wanna be a kpop star" He said very seriously.

"What? Okay! I don't even know how to begin with that." I laughed

"light red eyeshadow, eyeliner, and pink but natural looking lips." He said, pointing out every tool and color I should use and where.

I nodded in response and we were about to get started. He took his glasses off and I grabbed the eye shadow. But, I got distracted. I starting starting into his eyes, he had very beautiful, intense green eyes and long lashes. With his gorgeous eyes and soft features it made him look a bit feminine but in an extremely attractive way. I was snapped out of my daze when I realized I had my hand on his face.

"You okay?" He said with confusion.

" ye- I mean yeah, I'm fine." I then looked down at my hand but started giggling at what I saw. My hand was now caked in porcelain foundation, I laughed and asked, "Corey, were you already wearing makeup??"

"As-a-matter-o'-fact yes. Yes I was. I'm only 19, it's almost impossible to have blemish-free skin" He said.

'Fair enough' I thought. I got started on his makeup.

"I finished!" Yelled Kathy. Connie looked so pretty with her light makeup. She had gold eyeshadow and pink lips. We all cheered and showed her a mirror. She blushed when she saw herself. Meanwhile Corey was critiquing his makeup job, apparently I hadn't done well enough so he took it upon himself to fix it.

After makeovers we watched our scary movie. I have no clue what it was but I was not okay after it. Kathy, Corey, and I were cuddled together in the corner screaming and shaking with fear while Connie sat in the front, straight faced, saying "this is not scary." She truly was not phased at all.

Halfway through the movie Connie got up to get some snacks and we all screamed some form of "CONNIE NO!!! PROTECT US!" as we were still shaking with fear.

"WEAK." She yelled at us, playfully.

When the movie was over we were all shaking and not at all ready to go to bed. Corey specifically was very shaken up. He was curled tightly in a ball and refused to get off of my blanket. I tried to pull him off but he was too heavy and didn't even budge. "Kathy come help me move this boulder!" I said. Then we were both trying and still not an inch. "Corey can you please just get up?"

"NO! I'm afraid she'll get me." The 'she' he was talking about was the scary girl in the movie.

"Move aside. I will do it." Said Connie with a tough tone of voice. She effortlessly pulled him off saying "Corey you have a serious problem." After all that we all found our own spots on the living room floor to sleep on, just like a real slumber party, and soon we were all asleep. The next morning Connie told us she had a very nice time at the slumber party and thanked us. Success!

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