Cherub Baby Pt. 2

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"What's wrong Conrad?" I asked him when he didn't finish his snack.

"I miss my mom" He said,

"Oh you poor babyyyy, here i'll hug you for her cmere!" It was more of a one-sided hug. I held him so close for maybe a bit too long, he squirmed out of my grip. "Your hair smells like cotton candy" I told him, giggling.

"I used Corey's conditioner this morning" He said, getting back to his snack. I laughed out loud at the fact that Corey uses cotton candy scented conditioner.

"What do you want to now? We can do whatever you'd like as long as it isn't games."

"Can we watch something?"

"Yes but nothing violent."

"The Mary Tyler Moore show?"

"The what? You wanna watch that??" I said, not believing that Conrad of all people enjoys watching the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

"Yeah, I always watch it with my mom, she says she watched it when she was little."

"Hmm....hey Conrad? How old is your mother?"

"I think like 42."

"Oh, 42? She's younger than I thought but I mean she looks very young like she couldn't be a day over 30."

"She's very into herbal non-aging stuff."

"Oh that makes sense, it works very well then, she looks wonderful." I said, wondering if i'd look as good as her at 42. "Wait she watched the Mary Tyler Moore show in the 70s? If she's 42 doesn't that mean she was..." Took me a second to do the math. "...born in 1977?"

"No she watched the reruns in the 80s" He said, picking out an episode.

We watched a few episodes before I started thinking about being nosey again. "Conrad, you were a freshman in high school when Corey was a senior right?"


"What was he like?"

"An absolute monster."

"A monster?? What do you mean?"

"Usually he was fine, but the thing is he was EVERYWHERE. Every single club and after school thing he was there. Drama club...he's there. Chess club...he's there. Even yearbook! Meaning in my own classes he was there to drop in with a camera literally all the time. HE WAS EVERYWHERE. But the worst part of it all was that even to this day, even by teachers, I'm known as 'Corey's brother' because he made such a lasting impression."

"Wow, that does sound bad." I said. "Wait... are you serious he was a drama kid?" I asked, giggling so hard I almost fell.


We continued our show and Corey finally came out of his room a bit later. "Geez Conrad you haven't looked like that since you were 10." He said, surprised.

By now it was about 1:00, Corey and Conrad were both complaining about being hungry. "Well what do you guys want? McDonalds or something?" I said, fed up with the complaining.

"I want McDonalds!" Said Corey.

"But I wanna go to that one smoothie place with the really good sandwiches." Said Conrad with a little pouting face.

We were both caught under Conrad's adorable baby cherub spell and Corey and I told him in unison, "You may have absolutely anything you want."

Conrad giggled and said, "okay."

When we got there, Conrad still had on Corey's clothing but now he was in very light blue skinny jeans since we didn't want him going out looking like he wasn't wearing pants. We got our smoothies and food but I ended up buying baby cherub Conrad 5 sandwiches just because he couldn't choose between 3, I for some reason just had to spoil him and buy all 3, and then after he ate all 3 he decided 1 of them was his most favorite so Corey bought him 2 more of it. After that on our way home Conrad fell asleep in the car. Adorable!

Sweater Guy and Cubicle Girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora