Conrads Birthday

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Conrads birthday was soon and I had absolutely no idea what to get him. I knew he liked videogames and stuff like that but I wasn't particularly knowledgeable when it came to that sort of thing. I decided to ask Corey, "What did you get for Conrad for his birthday?"

Then I realized that Corey had just woken up and we were still in bed at 9:00am so he definitely didn't hear me. "Hm? What?" He said sleepily. He was laying under the blanket without a shirt and was comfortably cuddled against me.

"Conrad's birthday—what did you get him?" I asked again.

"Hm?" His eyes were still closed.

Then I had an idea, there was no way I could get him up unless I did the thing he hates most. I tossed the blanket off of him and poked his belly repeatedly.

He leaped out of bed yelling, "NOOOOO!" and covering himself. I was just laughing my ass off and he grumpily got back in bed and faced away from me. "I don't like that!"

"I'm sorry Corey! Can you just tell me what you bought Conrad for his birthday?"

"Ugh, I just bought a big box and filled it with all his favorite snacks, expensive collectibles, candy, and a new game."

"Wow that sounds actually really cool I haven't gotten him anything yet."

"What?? But his birthday's tomorrow!"

"I know I know. Could we look for a gift for him today?"

"I guess so, let's go to the mall."

A couple hours later we were getting dressed and Corey was putting on a hoodie. "Are you sure you wanna wear that? It's not gonna really be cold today." I asked.

"We'll I'd wear a t-shirt but I don't like them they don't... flatter me... well."

"Oh you mean they draw attention to your untoned arms?"

"No Ella. I was going to say they make me look fat but now I'm worried about looking fat AND drawing attention to my untoned arms."

"Sorry sorry! Wear whatever you want I think you look good no matter what."


Later we headed to the mall and I started to think about things to get him. "What does he like, Corey?"

"Games." He said with a mouth full of pretzel.

"Okay well should I buy him a game then?"

"Nah. Our mom's probably gonna buy him every game he's ever wanted."

"Well what about collectible stuff like what you got him?"

"Maybe, I guess we can check out FYE."

When we went into the store I went around looking for things to buy. I was going to ask Corey for help but he was too busy geeking out over some type of Lord of the Rings merchandise. I could hear him screaming, "OH MY GOD ITS SARUMAN'S PALANTÍR! SWEET!"

I just giggled at him and kept looking around. I looked for Star Trek stuff because I thought I heard Conrad talking about it once but I just didn't know enough about it to know what to get. While I was looking I overheard Corey and the cashier lady talking. "This is so awesome! How much is it?" He asked her.

"That's $50 but we also have a really cool One Ring replica. I actually bought one as soon as we got it in stock." She said. "Wanna see? It's super authentic."


She was wearing a necklace chain and pulled it out of her shirt to show him the ring hanging from it. But when she did that she unzipped her jacket revealing a lace camisole that showed off her cleavage a little too much and held the ring real close so that he couldn't help looking at her chest. I was very irritated I hated that she was obviously flirting with him legitimately right in front of me.

Corey was totally oblivious and just kept his eyes on the ring yelling, "Wow! It's got the inscriptions and everything! That's so awesome."

I just yelled, "Corey can you come help me pick out something?"

He started to walk towards me but then the cashier hoe yelled, "Wait! I have a tattoo of the Evenstar wanna see?" with a hint of seduction in her voice.

Corey started to walk back towards her and after that I had ENOUGH. I grabbed him by the wrist and yelled at him "No Corey. We're going."



I dragged him to the food court and he pouted because he didn't know what made me so mad.

"What did I do?" He said.

"No honey, you didn't do anything. It's just that cashier girl."

"But she was so nice."

"She was flirting with you and it made me mad because I was right there Corey."


"Yes. When she showed you the ring she flashed her boobs, it was so obvious."

"Oh—I didn't notice."

"Oh please, you don't have to lie it's okay."

"No seriously Ella. The only boobs in this world I'm interested in are yours."

"Well that was a very sweet but douchebag-ish thing to say."

"Sorry, I was trying to make you feel better."

"It's okay I appreciated it."

"Sorry we couldn't get a gift for Conrad."

"It's fine, I'll think of something." We bought some food and eventually I got over miss boob shirt and just enjoyed my pizza.

"Hey, I have an idea!" Corey yelled.


"How about tomorrow for his birthday you take us to the arcade and buy him unlimited games as a present?"

"Wow that is a good idea, I like it. Which arcade though?"

"The big one with the really good pizza."

The next day we picked up Conrad and didn't tell him where we were going we surprised him with the arcade. He cheered when he saw where we were going and I was so happy he liked it. I handed him his card with unlimited game points or whatever and he disappeared with Corey for about 3 hours. When the pizza came out I went to go find them and they were in a super intense Street Fighter match. They were screaming at each other and cheering. When the match finished Conrad had won and I told them, "You guys, come back to the table."

"Whyyyyy?" They pouted. "One more match?" Corey asked.

"The pizza is here." When I said that they both sprinted to the table and devoured the pizza within seconds. "Are you liking your birthday so far?" I asked him.


Corey and Conrad went and played games for a couple more hours and then later we went out to dinner with his mom. We went to his favorite restaurant and he got everything he wanted. He seemed so happy I was so glad his birthday went so well. After we ate we had cake and he opened his presents excitedly announcing everything he got. By the end of the night he fell asleep in the car but before he got home he half-asleep told me, "Thanks for an awesome birthday" and fell back asleep on me for the rest of the car ride.

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