Trading Places Pt. 2

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Today was Corey's day. Before morning he informed me that his day did not start until 11am so if I wake up early I should go back to sleep or just relax until the day started. When it did get started, Corey sleepily stumbled out of his room and immediately lied on the couch.

"Um...Good morning?" I said.

"Good morning" He replied mid yawn-stretch.

"Sooo what first?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot we were doing that." He said. Then he finally got up and said it was time for breakfast.

"Well... what should I eat?" I asked.

"Oh it doesn't matter just grab some chips and a snack cake or something." He said, opening a can of Coke.

"Wow this is really really not good for you." I said while looking at my choices of cakes.

Corey didn't reply and just lied down again.

"What do we do after breakfast?" I asked.

"I don't know, we can clean my room or I can teach you how to play GTA." He said, now tapping away on his phone.

"Oh I've always wanted to play! Can we do that first?" I said excitedly.

"Yea, let's go."

We went to his messy room and he got the game all ready. First he taught me all the controls, once I was getting the hang of it, he let me try a mission. I immediately failed the mission, this was hard. Instead of playing missions I just shot people and stole cars for about an hour. It was a pretty fun time. We stopped when Corey was getting hungry again. He made ramen but I wasn't hungry since I'd just eaten an hour before, so I just ate a bit of it. Core got grumpy at me for that. Next we cleaned his room.

It wasn't so much messy, just disorganized. "Hey Corey I'm gonna clean out your drawers so we have room to put all this stuff okay?" I said, motioning to all the little drawer-worthy nicknacks on the floor.


I got started with his dresser. I opened the top drawer and began to throw random things out. "Corey why do you have a Hot Wheels car in here?"

"No clue" He said as he organized his bookshelf.

"There's such random things in here, I just found a broken tiny ballerina toy and one of those coin machine fake tattoos." I said giggling.

"Yeah I don't know I kinda just threw random stuff in there."

I searched some more for random garbage. "I just found a weird black thing....ew is this a retainer case??"

Corey's his face turned tomato red and he had an embarrassed look on his face, "NO—I mean um...gross that's not mine maybe its Conrad's *nervous laughter* I mean—gross it's definitely not mine *more nervous laughter*"

"Corey this is obviously yours, it has 'Constantín Vosilyev' printed on the top"

"OKAY THATS ENOUGH!" Corey yelled, visibly frustrated and distressed, taking the case out of my hand and shoving it into a different drawer. "NO MORE CLEANING!"

Corey grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen. "We're gonna make brownies now because I want to." He said, grabbing all the ingredients. He quickly told me what to do, he somehow had memorized an entire recipe. During the whole thing he was stuffing his face with snacks. I decided to finally say something about it. "Corey are you stress eating?"


"Well I'm sorry, maybe slow down though we have brownies in the oven."


When the brownies were done he went right back to stuffing his face. I told him, "I'm sorry you're stressed out, it's your day though you choose what I have to do

"Okay" Then he had this evil look on his face. "I'm gonna make you learn all the words to 1985 because that's what I would do if I liked a song"

"What song is that?" I asked.

Then he decided to sing the first verse but basically just yelling it *high pitch nasally voice on purpose* "DEBBIE JUST HIT THE WALL SHE NEVER HAD IT ALL ONE PROZAK A DAY HUSBANDS A CPA"

" that was actually a pretty good impression of Jaret Reddick"

"I know, I can do Brendan Urie too."

"Wait actually?"


"Okay... well can we please not make me do that."

"Fine....Oh I can teach you to knit! We'll make matching scarves!" He said, happily.

'Oh no...' I thought to myself. Knitting seemed so boring.

Corey got out all the materials and began to show me. I didn't pay attention at all. Minutes went by after he showed me and he said, "Now you try."

"No." I said, still not paying attention.

"I swear to gawd Ella I will John Wick you with this yarn." He said, tightly holding a piece.

"What? Who's John Wick."

"ELLA OH MY GAWD" He screamed and threw the bin of yard on the ground angrily saying, "NOW WE'RE GONNA GO FUCKING WATCH IT"

So yeah...that's how that ended.

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