Chapter 4: The Party

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After a couple of hours, we are finally ready. Bri and I get in my car and head to the party.

"Do you think there will be cute guys there?" she asks me.

"Bri, it's a party. Of course there will be." I reply.

"Maybe you can finally get a boyfriend...!?" She says.

"You know I don't date." I remind her.

Freshman through Sophomore year, I was dating this guy. We grew up together, so when we started dating, I felt like we were gonna last a while. One night, I caught him cheating on me with a close friend. He told me they were a thing since a few months prior. Since then, I haven't really dated anyone. Sure, I've had a couple of crushes every now and then, but I could never commit to a relationship.

"Oh come onnn. It might be good for you!" Bri suggested.

I didn't want to continue this conversation, but thankfully we arrived.

"WE'RE HERE!" I scream.


As we walked in, I could smell the alcohol and weed in the air.

"BRIII!!" Some dude shouts.

He comes towards us and envelops her into a hug.

"Heyy, Chris!" Bri replies, hugging back. "Oh this is my cousin, y/n. Y/n this is Chris, a close friend "

"Hey, hows it going" he says, shaking my hand. I smile back, not knowing what to do. "Let's go get drinks and get this party started."

We follow closely behind him, each of us holding onto each other hands to not get sucked into the crowd.

We get some drinks and head to the dance floor. After being introduced to multiple people and making new friends, we danced and danced.

Bri abandoned me to go mess with some guy upstairs, while I kept dancing with my new friend, Victoria.


"YEA, LET'S GO!" I shout back.

We go into the backyard, and sit on a couple chairs that were set up. We talk and talk until we were interrupted.

"Vic, are you ready to go home?" A guy with a HUF t-shirt asks, coming towards us.

"Yea, I am. Ale meet my new friend, y/n." She says

"Hey, how are ya" I ask, standing up beside her.

"Hey what's up. I'm Alejandro. I'm Vic's boyfriend." He says, shaking my hand.

I look towards her and give her a "good choice" look.

She laughs, "Well, it was nice meeting you, y/n. Text me so we could hang out more, girl!"

"I will. Lemme know how the hang over is tomorrow," I shout towards her as she walks away, laughing at my statement.

I'm now left outside, alone.

I choose to pull out my nic-stick and take a few hits.

"Those are bad for you, you know" some dude says, startling me a bit.

"Yea, I know. Its just a good filler for the time being" I reply, turning around towards him.

As I turn around, I see a tall guy wearing a thrasher t-shirt with blue/purple lettering.

I look up at him, for I was shorter.

"Well, I can't really say anything, I do so myself" he says, looking down at me, a smirk forming on his face.

"Did you wanna... " I ask pushing my nic-stick towards him.

He takes it, takes a hit, and hands it back towards me. "Thanks" he says, exhaling.

"Our lungs are gonna be so done before the age of 20" I say, laughing, putting it back in my bag.

"Yea, they are" he replies, chuckling.

Just then, my phone starts ringing...
Phone call: Bri🐥💗

Bri: Hey, did you leave? I can't find you. *laughs*
y/n: No, I'm outside with...

"What was your name?" I ask the dude, giggling.

"Mattia" he says shaking his head, laughing at me.

y/n: I'm outside with Mattia. Where are you?
Bri: I'm in the front, are you ready to leave? I might have to throw these heels away, they hurt my feet too much.
y/n: Okay, I'll be right there. (I laugh)

"Well, I guess I have to go" I say, giggling.

"Guess so" he says

"It was nice meeting you, Mattia" I say, going in for a hug.

"Yea, it was nice meeting you too...."

"y/n" I tell him, giggling "My names y/n"

"Y/n, hmm what a nice name" he says hugging back.

I wave goodbye one last time and head towards the front of the house.

As I'm trying to get through the crowd, I feel someone grab my hand.

"Here, let me help you" Mattia says, leading me through the crowd.

"Oh, thank you" I laugh

We finally get to the front of the house, when I see Bri as she's running towards me.

"Ooo, who's this" she asks me, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Bri, this is Mattia. Mattia, meet my cousin, Bri"

"Hey, how's it goin" he says, sticking out his hand.

Instead, she envelopes him in a hug and drunkenly laughs.

"Can we go hone nowww?" She whines

"Yea, of course. Come on" I say, unlocking my car. "Again, thanks for not letting me get sucked into that disaster of a crowd." I shout at Mattia

"Anytime" he says smiling, waving us off.
As we get home, the house seems to be empty.

"Where is everyone?" I ask Bri.

"Business trip. My brothers are probably at their friends house or something." She says, as we head upstairs.

I take off my makeup, shower, and get ready for bed.
I scroll on instagram for a bit, and then I fall asleep.

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