Chapter 12: His Game

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Mattia and I have been hanging out for a couple months now. We're currently at his soccer game.

"WOOO! GO 22!" I scream.

Suddenly I hear Bri, who I didn't know was even at the game...

"LET'S GO, MATTIE!" She shouts.

Umm what? I feel this sort of jealousy in me..

1 week ago...
Mattia and I were currently watching a movie in his room..

"Oh my god!" I scream, as something pops out on the screen.

I lean my head onto him, as he pulls me closer for assurance.

As the movie ends, we sit in a silence, both noticing how close we are.


"Uhh sorry...Didn't realize." He says, slowly unwrapping his arm from around me.

"It's okay. If I'm gonna be honest, it kinda felt nice..." I begin to get lost in his eyes..

Before I know it we're making out.

I climb off of him like 15 minutes later.. "Whoaa"

Both of us out of breath.

We've been getting in closer, and honestly, my feelings for him have just been growing...

I attempt to scream louder than Bri, feeling like I need to compete. "MATTIAAAA!!! COME ON BABY!!" Whoa, did I just say that? Hopefully he didn't here that part..

Before I know it, he's scoring the winning goal of the game.

As I get ready to walk to the car with him, I spot Ale.

"Hey, Ale. Congrats!" I say, as we greet each other with a hug.

Soon enough all of the friend group is there, well almost all of them.

As I'm congratulating all of them, I try to look around for Mattia, but can't seem to find him.

"Hey, do you guys happen to know where Mattia is?"

"He left with Bri like a couple minutes after we were released." Kairi says.


"Oh okay. Thanks!" I say not trying to sound jealous. "I think I'm gonna get going now.."

"Whattt? We're all going to Buffalo Wild Wings.. aren't you coming with us?" Pinto asks, causing everyone to look at me.

"Right, I forgot.." I say smiling, trying to shake everything off. "Vic can I ride with you?"

"Actually, Ale and I are gonna go in our own car..." ohhh I get what she was hinting at...

"Okay, no worries. I'll just drive myself."

"I can ride with you!" Kairi suggests. Kai has been my bestest friend lately.

"Yea, okay" I say, smiling, as he hops into the drivers seat. "Hey! I was gonna drive."

"Nope. I'll drive. Just get in."

I just nod my head and get in the passenger's side.
As we're all arriving, I see Bri's car here.

"Bri's here?"

"Hmm, I guess so.." Kai says, getting out of the car. We walk in seeing that everyone has already found a seat at the table for all of us.

As Kai and I are heading over, I hear Bri laugh, so I turn around.

Well then... what I turn around to is her sitting across from Mattia at another table..

"Hey, Kai. Save me a seat, I'll be right back.."

I head over to them. "Hey, guys..."

"Y/n, hey..." Mattia says.

"I thought we were gonna hang out..?"

"Me, too. Why didn't you go to the game?" He asks.

"I did..."

"What, really? I didn't see you, and when I saw Bri, she said you weren't there."

"Yea, sorry. I didn't see you." She says.

"I promised you I was going to g- okay... no worries. There was a lot of people there..." I say, catching myself from starting an argument. "I'll see you guys later. Kai and the rest of them are waiting for me.."

"Oh okay. Bye." Bri says, with a big smirk on her face.

Mattia didn't look so happy when Kai came over to get me.

"What's taking so long?" Kairi says, finally realizing the two sitting at the table.. "oh hey!"

He goes to shake Mattia's hand, but Mattia swats it away. "We were just going now. Y/n, call me when you get home, yea?"

"Okay..." I say, waving him and Bri goodbye.

We're all currently at some parking lot, messing around. It's about 11pm.

"Bestie!!" Kairi says in a tone that I know he's gonna ask for something.

"What Kai?"

"I'm hungryy"

"When are you not?" I laugh, "we can go get something if you want..?"

"Yes! And then let's go to your house? I heard you got a new game!"

"Okay, yea.."

Before I know it, we got a ton of food and were suppose to meet everyone at my house.

As Kai is pulling up to my driveway, I see Mattia's car outside. "What's he doing here? Kai, I'll be right back, go ahead and take the stuff inside. I'll be one sec"

He nods his head, as he heads over to the door. I walk over to Mattia's car..

"Y/n! I need to talk t-" He spots Kai. "Forget it."

"Huh? Wait, Matt, what's going on?"

He starts to unlock his car, "Nothing. It doesn't seem to really matter. I was worried because you never called, but I see that you're great." He starts to get in.

"Shoot sorry, I forgot Matt. We were messing around and then-"

"It doesn't matter anymore"

"Matt, whats-"

He drives off as everyone begins to arrive.

We're all slowly falling asleep one by one. Kai and I being the last one's to be up.

"I just don't get it" I say, continuing conversation with him as we sit outside. "Like, seriously what did he mean? And why was he with Bri?"

"Y/n, you're sounding a bit jealous."

"Of course I am, Kai! Don't you see? I caught feelings for him and he ditches me to go hang out with Bri?" Whoa, I haven't told anyone yet, but Kai didn't seem surprised.

I begin to cry. "Why, just why. This always happens to me. My ex ditched me for someone who was close to me, and now it's happening again. And we aren't even official yet! Like, why would he lead me on like that?"

"Shh, it's okay, y/n. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Talk to him tomorrow, when he's cooled off." Kairi says, pulling me into a hug.

"You're right. Thanks bestfriend." I say, drying my eyes, hugging him back.

I guess I cried too hard because the next thing I know, I'm sound asleep in Kai's arms.

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