Chapter 7: Boo!

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"Yea, we're outside. Come get us." Vic says to Alejandro through the phone. "You ready?"

"Yea, of course. It should be fun." I say, as she parks her car.

We get out of the car and head towards Bri and Chris.

"Woo! Let's do this!" She says, walking us all to the door.

Vic is greeted by her boyfriend as we are told to come in.

I look around for Mattia. Just then..

"Boo!" He shouts from behind me.

"Ahh!" I scream. I turn towards him. "Haha, very funny." I say, slapping him on his arm lightly.

He laughs, "Lemme show you around and introduce you to everyone."

He places his hand on the small of my back, as we walk into the living room. In it were the group of guys that were in class, man they were funny.

"This is Alvaro, Kairi, Roshaun...." he started naming everyone in the room "and this is Alejandro"

"I know, we met" I giggle

"Oh, well were you hungry? We have stuff int he kitchen" he says.

We head towards the kitchen, as he tells me what the plans are for tonight.

"Ouu! I love scary movies!" I say excitedly.

"Great, then let's get one going." He says, as we grab a few snacks and sit on the couch. Everyone doing the same.

We start to watch the Halloween movies, and then some other ones.

We're all currently looking around the dark house. Why? Well, because we thought there was an intruder. Next thing I know...

"AHHHH!" Vic screams, running out of a room. "THATS NOT FUNNY"

"Come on, Babe. It kind was" Ale says, hugging her apologetically.

"Sheesh, you almost made my heart jump out of my chest." I say, holding it, and breathing dramatically.

We all start laughing and head back downstairs.

"Y/n, did you wanna go outside for a bit?" Mattia asks me.

"Sure, just don't kill me" I say, giggling and walking out with him.

As we get outside, we find somewhere to sit and I see him pull out his Juul.

"Wow, you're gonna have to sure with me" I say, jokingly.

He hands it towards me, "Feel free.."

"I was kidding, maybe later." I say, politely declining his offer.

He takes a couple hits as I look at the night sky.
We sit in a comfortable silence for a while, until he begins to speak.

"So, what brought you to New Jersey? I don't think I've ever seen you around before last night."

I begin to tell him my family situation. "... It's okay though. I like it here"

"That's good. I visit home sometimes, too." He begins to tell me. I ask him to tell me more.
We watched a couple more movies, as everyone slowly died out.

I yawn sitting up and taking my feet off of Mattia's lap. "Did Vic leave already?" I ask, looking around, only to find that I was left with Mattia, Kairi,  Chris and Bri.

"Yea, why, what's up?" Mattia asks, also sitting up.

"Ohh nothing. She was just my ride home, that's all..." I say, laying down again.

"I can give you a ride if you want," he says, placing my feet back on top of him, "just let me know when you're ready"

"Okay, after this movie ends?" I ask

"Sounds good to me," he says.

I slowly start to fall asleep.


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