Entry Three

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My third dream was different from the other two, It was like I was in the future if that makes any sense at all. There was a strange woman with an eye patch in the middle of a strangely shaped room, people in lab coats walked around, I couldn't hear anything but I remember the woman gaze on me vividly, it was a mix between annoyance and anger.

I'm not sure if I should tell the Doctor, Amy and Rory, maybe other people have had dreams like this before? Maybe it's some Time Lord thing and Amy has been having dreams like this because of the TARDIS and the Doctor? Or maybe there's just something wrong with me?

After seeing the woman the whole area around we went white and River appeared. She looked at me with sadness in her eyes before turning and walking away, disappearing into nothing.

Then I woke up.

A Crack in Time [I] (The Rescuers Encomium)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora