The Vampires of Venice - I

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It's been a while but I'm still here and writing! :D Enjoy!


Hollie pinched the bridge of her nose feeling her anger rising after losing the Doctor yet again. They had been trying to find Rory's stag party for well over an hour now, the Doctor had jumped out of at least three different cakes, all ending in drunken men screaming and shouting at the Time Lord, a few throwing glasses in their anger.

"Hey!" Rory shouted down his phone, hoping that Amy or rather Amy's answer machine would be able to hear him over the noise of his friends in the background. "It's me. Hello. How are you?" He asked before continuing. "The reason for this call is because I haven't told you for seven hours that I love you, which is a scandal, and even if we weren't getting married tomorrow, I'd ask you to marry me anyway."

Hollie's eyes brightened as she heard one of her best friends shout down the phone as she walked past the open window of the pub, quickly running inside. "Yes, I would, because you are smash- Hollie?" He frowned as the blonde ran into the pub. "I thought you were with Amy?"

"Long story." Hollie puffed out, trying to catch her breath. "We need to go and find the Doctor now before he-"

"Wait." Rory cut in. "The Doctor."


"As in the Doctor."

"Yes, the Doctor, we need to find him before he somehow..."

Rory was suddenly pulled away from Hollie by one of his friends wearing a red shirt with a photo of Amy and Rory in a heart on the front and 'Rory's Stag' on the back, exactly the same as the one Rory and the rest of the stag party members were wearing.

The tune 'the stripper' started to play and a large pink cake was wheeled in. "Finds a cake..." Hollie slowly finished before running a hand down her face. "This is going to end well..." The blonde muttered as Rory's friends began to chant 'out' over and over.

Silence fell as the Doctors head suddenly burst out of the cake before he stood up. "Rory!" He cheered as the rest of the stag party stared at the man. "That's a relief. I thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake, again." Rory held a small smile of disbelief on his face, looking at Hollie for a second before looking back at the Time Lord who continued to speak: "That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in and give her a jumper? Lucy. Lovely girl. Diabetic." He clapped his hands together. "Now then, Rory. We need to talk about your fiancé. She tried to kiss me."

"Doctor," Hollie warned.

The crowd around the cake gasped. "Tell you what, though. You're a lucky man. She's a great kisser."

A beer glass smashed as angry looks grew on multiple men of the stag party while Rory's face fell.

"I don't think this was the time or place to tell him that." Hollie quietly cut in, slowly making her way around the crowd to stand next to the Doctor.

"Yeah..." The Doctor slowly nodded. "Funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine."

"How did you even think that sounds fine in your head?!" She looked at him.

"I'm nine hundred years old!"

"That's not an excuse." Hollie crossed her arms at him in annoyance. The two stopped arguing as they heard the door to the pub suddenly shut. "Rory!" Hollie shouted running after the man who took off down the street."

"Ro- ah!" The Doctor cried falling out of the cake, jumping up instantly as the crowd grew closer around the Doctor. "Oh no." He swallowed.


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