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All eyes and lights were on them. Out of so many challengers only 2 remained.

Their eyes, determined and rugged, stared through each other's, finding a lack of strength, a break in their morale; neither had one. They each had worked too long to get here; they weren't going to let themselves down now.

The signal from the referee was given; they must choose their first champions to battle. Then the rest of the order was chosen, each one methodically after the other. The referee raises the next signal. "Trainers! Are you ready!"

His voice was amplified by a microphone on his shirt. Both trainers nod. They're ready. And the world had a deafening silence, each side's fans hushed, waiting for the next move.

Fifteen- year old Ray is signaled first, his tall, gaunt build is tense with excitement and a will to win. He takes his first pokeball, tips his hat back, and launches it at the middle of the field. It bursts open, spewing out a stream of white energy, which begins to form. A horn and two huge ears appeared as its big pink body started to materialize. The stadium erupts into cheer the moment it roars. Ray has chosen-

"It's a Nidorino!!!" The announcer exclaims on the intercom speaker.

He continues "This is a very popular pick for Raymond Ketchum, using it in most of his matches. Its powerful body, surprisingly quick speed and deadly poison-tipped horn make it a fierce competitor for any trainer!" Ray smiled as his pokemon continued to roar, in an attempt to intimidate his opponent.

It didn't.

The other trainer took out her first pokemon and tossed it into the air. It hung there for a second, then burst open, as a huge amount of white energy splashed onto the stage. It morphed and folded in on itself numerous times before forming a pokemon, purple with a dastardly smile-

"She sent out her GENGAR!!" The audience erupted in cheers once again.

"This is another classic starter for Delia! Gengar, a ghost type, is one that will give ANY pokemon a run for its money, especially a poison type! This is going to be a fantastic battle!"

Nidorino dug at the ground, ready to charge. Gengar was giving mean looks. Ray and Delia reviewed their strategies. The crowd was tense, waiting for the battle to begin. The referee gave the signal.

"Let the battle begin!!"


But that's not how the story will continue.

Who will win is not the question. Yet.

It's the journey to get there, all of the blood, sweat and tears, which truly shows a trainer their power inside...

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