Chapter Two

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Rhye carried Katrina through the lot and out to his truck. He almost laughed at the looks his men were giving him.

"Did you kidnap her?" Max asked.

Rhye did laugh that time. "No. I am taking her home to Georgia, but she is willing to go." he explained.

"Is this true? If he is lying just blink." Max directed, making everyone laugh.

"No sir. I am willing to go with him." Katrina said, her eyes downcast on the sidewalk. Her trembling was so bad, it was making Rhye's body shake as well.

"Why are you taking her to Georgia?" Tyler asked. His voice was soft, almost like he was trying to find a polite way to ask his question.

"Well, she is going to be my wife." Rhye said as casually as he could. He was so thankful when the men whooped and hollered, signaling their acceptance of Katrina.

Joe stepped toward the beauty and smiled at her gently. "Is this from and Trichotillomania?" he asked as he examined her skin.

~Dermatillomania -the repetitive picking at one's own skin to the extent of causing damage. Usually, but not always, the face is the primary location for skin picking. However, Skin Picking Disorder may involve any part of the body. Individuals with Skin Picking Disorder may pick at normal skin variations such as freckles and moles, at actual pre-existing scabs, sores or acne blemishes, or at imagined skin defects that nobody else can observe. Individuals with Dermatillomania may also use their fingernails or teeth, as well as tweezers, pins or other mechanical devices. As a result, Skin Picking Disorder may cause bleeding, bruises, infections, and/or permanent disfigurement of the skin.~

~Trichotillomania is a characterized by a long term urge that results in the pulling of one's hair . This occurs to such a degree that can be seen. Efforts to stop pulling hair typically fail. Hair removal may occur anywhere; however, the head and around the eyes are most common. The hair pulling is to such a degree that it results in distress.The disorder may run in families. It occurs more commonly in those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.~

AN: I suffer from scalp picking and a bit of skin picking from my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

"Yes sir. I am trying very hard to stop." she admitted fearfully.

Rhye rubbed her back softly. "It is very hard to stop all by yourself." he encourahed.

She nodded, relaxing a little in his embrace. He was thankful to realize her breathing had relaxed a bit.

"Your momma is going to be so relieved. Mrs. Patsy has been trying to get you married to her granddaughter for over a year now." Taylor teased, thankfully changing the subject.

"Isn't she like thirty?" Tyler asked.

Joe nodded, making Rhye grimance.

"I am so glad I found you love." Rhye teased her, causing the corners of her mouth to turn up in a small smile. It made Rhye pleased that he could make her smile

He shifted her in his arms and she gasped, holding onto his shoulders a little tighter.

"I won't drop you, I promise." he assured her.

"Will your mom be pleased? Sir?" she added.

"I don't know who taught you to address men as sir or to keep your head down when you speak to us, but they were very wrong.. You do not have to fear us or degrade yourself by cowering in submission. When we get married you are my partner, not just someone who does chores for me." he told her gently. He didn't want to embarrass her, but he did want to nip that in the bud. He refused to have a women live in fear of him.

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