Chapter Sixteen

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Lexi and Max

Max carried Lexi out to his truck and buckled her in. His heart was filled with compassion as he climbed in and drove off. He had no idea how scared Lexi was of doctor offices and hospitals.

Dr. Willis had called her social worker and gotten Lexi's information, so he could request her medial record. In that information he had found Lexi had been treated for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after her mother passed away from cancer. Apparently Lexi had stayed with her mother until she passed. Max couldn't imagine seeing something so awful and being so young.

Thankfully, Dr. Willis knew of her trauma before they arrived and had something prepared to calm her down. She had slept through most of her appointment and was still sleeping as Max pulled out of the parking lot.

He was tired and being that it was already five-fifty he decided to call Tyler and Taylor and see if they could eat dinner with them.

"Hello?" Tyler said when he answered.

"Hey, do you feel like having dinner guest?" Max asked in an exhausted tone.

"Yeah, come on over. We're grilling out."

"Thanks man. I will be over in a few minutes."

"Are you ok?" Tyler asked him.

"I am just tired."

"Physically or mentally?"

"Physically. I didn't sleep well last night."

"Is it your knee?"

"Yeah. It hurts and I am worried about taking my medication with Lexi in the house." Max admitted.

"Because of how deeply you sleep when taking it?"


"Tell you what, you come by and eat, then go home, grab your meds and some clothes and crash here. I will call Caitlin and she and Lexi can hang out and you can get some rest." he suggested.

"They gave Lexi a shot of something to calm her and she is sleeping. I don't know how she will feel and I don't want you to feel obligated..."

"I don't feel obligated to help you or her. Now get your butts over here."

"You have no idea how much I appreciate that Tyler I just need one good night of sleep."

"Come on over then, I will get the extra rooms set up."

After hanging up, Max bowed his head. "Father, I thank thee for thy mercy and grace."

He pulled up to cabin and climbed out of the truck. His knee screamed for mercy with each step he took. Just as he opened Lexi's door, someone touched his back. He turned to see Tyler.

"I can get her. Why don't you go inside and get off your knee?"

"Thank you." Max said as he took his friends advice and headed inside.

"I got you some ice for your knee and I made you a plate." Taylor said.

"Thank you." he said with a blessed heart. He was so thankful to have wonderful friends.

He sat down in the chair and took off his prosthetic. He quickly covered with the blanket before anyone saw. he placed the ice on top on if it and took his plate from Taylor.

He said a blessing with a still grateful heart. He may be in a great deal of pain, but he was incredibly loved.


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