Chapter Three

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I need my silent readers to vote or comment. I am falling behind in the Christan category.


A Few Hours Later:

"Are you going to drive straight through?" Max whispered from the back seat.

"Yes. I don't think she would be comfortable staying the night in a hotel with the five of us." Rhye whispered as he glanced over at Katrina's sleeping form.

"She was raised differently wasn't she?" Joe asked,

"I found her in a group home for women. The place was filthy and run down. She was sitting outside by herself and she was crying. She was going to be kicked out next week, unless she could convince some man she would make a good wife. I don't know why, but the thought of her being forced into a loveless marriage bothered me." Rhye admitted.

"Was the mother of the group home elderly?" Joe asked.

"Yes, probably her late sixties."

"I figured as much. The way Katrina was brought up is the way woman of my era were brought up. She was raised to think because she is a woman she is not allowed to have a say in things. She was probably taught to lower her eyes in respect. I noticed she has done that several times."

Rhye sighed. "I don't want her to think that way though. I feel a marriage should be a partnership, not a dictatorship."

"She will learn differently over time, you just have to be patient." Taylor encouraged.

"Rhye, why are you going to marry her?" Tyler asked.

"because she needed a place to stay."

"but you know your mom would let her stay in the guest room. She could work on the farm and have a fresh start." Tyler reasoned.

"When she gets better. She really needs some treatment for her anxiety and her picking." Joe reminded.

'Mrs. Collins  will find something she can do." Taylor said as he agreed with his brother. Rhye didn't have to marry Katrina to give her a fresh start. 

 Rhye frowned. "I don't know. I didn't really think of that." he said in reference to Tyler's question.

"She shouldn't be forced into marriage just so she can have a home."

"Yeah, I agree with Tyler." Max said.

Rhye thought to himself. He didn't know why he didn't consider taking her home to his momma. The thought didn't occur to him in the heat of the moment. He didn't like the thought of her being forced into marriage, but he really didn't like the thought of her not being his.

Joe chuckled causing Rhye to look up. "It looks like you don't like the thought of her staying with your momma."

Rhye cursed the older man's ability to read his mood.

"I don't like that idea. I want her with me." he said. He knew that sounded selfish, but it was the truth.

"You could still court her. It would just be proper." Taylor said, finally speaking up.

"You speak so old fashionly. You could just say "date her" instead of  "court her"." Max mumbled.

"If you wait and give her time to know you more, the bond between the two of you will be stronger. You never want her to think back and wonder if you only married her out of convenience.  I can already tell you feel deeply for her, so give her a chance to feel the same way about you. " Tyler suggested again.

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