Chapter Seven

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Rhye traveled the dusty path back to his land and pulled as close to the house as possible. After all the excitement Katrina had fallen asllep rather quickly on the twenty-minute ride home. Rhye swung his door open and climbed out. The cold October air bit at his exposed face causing him to shiver. He ran up the stairs and unlocked the door. He smiled as the warm air hit his face, soothing the sting from the wind. "Lord, thank you for a home and the comfort it brings after a long day." he silently prayed.

After making sure he proped the door open with an old boot, he stepped back out to the truck. He opened the door and lifted Kat into his arms. He didn't have the heart to wake her, he understood how tired she was. He climbed the seven stairs from the dusty ground to his porch with ease, another thing he was thankful for, and stepped back into the embracing warmth of his house. Rhye headed back to the bedroom Kat was staying in, but then decided against it. He  wasn't ready to let her go yet and  decided to hold her while she slept as he sat down on the overstuffed sofa.

Rhye positioned Kat on his broad chest as he relaxed on the couch. He smiled as he brushed her few brown curls out of her face. His heart was burdened, but both the doctor and the representative for the center had recommended shaving her head since she had so little hair left. Katrina was scared, but asked him what he thought. He told her he thought she was beautiful either way, and after some discussion, they had decided to shave it later today. After  kissing the top of her head he  reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

Will ya'll be okay without me today? -Rhye

He only had to wait a few seconds before a reply. 

Woah, the boss is taking off? To do what?! -Taylor

To take a nap with Kat -Rhye

Whoot Whoot! Yeah, we will be fine. There were no breaks in the fences and all the cattle are fine. -Taylor

Satisfied with that answer, Rhye put his phone onto the coffee table and allowed himself a well deserved nap.


 Katrina struggled to open her sleep wanting eyes. She was hot and she wanted to know why. She pushed her damp, tangled hair out of her face and frowned when she saw the blue plaid comforter in front of her. Her bed had a yellow set on it; where was she? She lifted her head and bite back a giggle when she realized she was laying on Rhye. He was sleeping good. She could tell by the way he was snoring. She winced: She didn't think anyone could snore that loud.

She also realized he must have been the source of heat earlier. She could feel her shirt sticking to her and she could see the sweat dripping from his brow.

"Hey, how are you today honey?" Joe asked as he walked into the room.

Kat smiled. "I am going deaf." she giggled- causing him to laugh.Rhye was snoring loud enough to wake the entire farm.

He smiled. "Would you like to come to the barn with us?"

She nodded. "Yes sir."

He motioned for her to follow him and she did

He helped her over several power tools and pieces of wood on the back porch. "Excuse the mess. Rhye was worried about the railing on the porch. He was worried you would get hurt on it, so we are trying to fix it."

"He was worried about me?" she asked as her heart fluttered.

Joe nodded. "That boy is crazy about you already."

Katrina blushed and decided to change the subject. She wasn't comfortable talking to Joe about she and Rhye. "Are the baby chickens in the barn?" she asked.

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