The Son of the Devil *AU*

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All the stereotypes and myths were untrue.

Contrary to popular belief, vampires were able to see their own reflections—and I was tangible proof of that fact. I studied my reflection intently, brows furrowed as I scanned up and down the length of my body. I wore a sleek black suit—formed to the contours of my figure—paired with an ebony cape draped about my shoulders, cascading down the length of my back. I raised my attention to my face in my reflection as I parted my lips, peering at my elongated canines—physically sharp to the touch. Perfect for piercing skin, if I so desired. My skin was pale—almost ghostly—in contrast to the deep colour of my attire. Or perhaps it had to do with the dark shadows surrounding my eyes that created the illusion of a greater difference in tone. Regardless, I smirked at my reflection before me, the expression almost sinister as I ran my fingers through my dishevelled curls. Tonight, I would finally live up to the standards placed upon me from my mother's lineage. Tonight I would be the Son of the Devil himself.

"Thomas James Dorin Cresswell, you look ridiculous."

Ignoring the intended insult, I grinned. Turning on my heel, my cape billowing around me, I met Audrey Rose's gaze, noticing the roll of her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. Despite the fact that we lived together and nearly every aspect of our lives were intertwined, this year we opted to keep each of our Halloween costumes a secret—only to be revealed on October 31st when preparing for Daci and Ileana's infamous Halloween party.

At last, I teased, "My love, my darling Audrey Rose Wadsworth, the woman of my dreams, this is Halloween we're speaking of. Who doesn't look positively ludicrous?"

"Yes, but you could have had some creativity with it. Instead, you chose the most basic Halloween costume ever created. It's been done too many times, now it's just tacky," Audrey Rose refuted, scrunching her nose in distaste.

I laid a hand against my chest, mouth gaped in feigned offence and hurt. "It's not tacky! It's a classic. Besides, I look quite dapper and elegant in this costume. Though, more importantly, it's not the vampire costume itself that matters, Wadsworth, it's the underlying meaning of the outfit."

Audrey Rose smirked, humming in sarcastic interest for me to continue. "Is this English class now, my sweet? You wish for me to find the elaborate hidden meaning of your vampire costume?" Before I got the chance to speak, she added enthusiastically, "I've got it! You're trying to tell the world that you're a fan of Twilight—more specifically, team Edward!"

I visibly pouted, the expression enough to cause Audrey Rose to let out a lighthearted giggle. When I deemed that she had finished, both speaking and laughing, I elaborated, completely disregarding her taunts, "As you already know, my love, I am a descendant—"

"A very distant descendant—"

"—Of Vlad Tepes, otherwise referred to as Vlad the Impaler," I finished, ignoring her interruption. "And as you are also well aware, Count Dracula, the individual of whom I am currently dressed, was inspired by none other than Vlad. So I found it fitting that I dress as a vampire given my heritage."

After a moment of silence, Audrey Rose spoke, "I believe you're forgetting about the fact your ancestor was a bloodthirsty leader—quite literally."

I shrugged nonchalantly as though that was only a minor, insignificant detail. "Semantics. Now, as much as I love talking about myself, I'd much rather talk about you, my darling rose. Or perhaps I should say 'Rosie'."

Audrey Rose rolled her eyes dramatically, though I could see the upward tilt of her lips—the hint of a smile peeking through her feigned annoyed expression. I eyed her figure up and down, taking in her costume of choice this Halloween season—American feminist icon, Rosie the Riveter. Although I knew Audrey Rose only chose the costume due to the societal impact Rosie's character had on modern feminism, I couldn't help but admire how adorable she looked.

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