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Wayo, a seemingly typical 17-year-old Junior, climbed up the stairs to the 2nd floor of his high school building. His heart strummed in his chest as his anxiety rose. 

Fighting the urge to run, he took slow steps towards the classroom at the end of the hall. He held a small jewelry box tight in his hands with a letter on top. He took a determined breath and headed to his destination.

He knew that he had to confess today. He had been in love with one of his seniors for nearly three years now, and today was his senior's last day of school. 

'It was now or never' he thought. 

To Wayo's mind, Phana, the boy he liked, was nothing less than perfect. He was extremely smart, tall, muscular, athletic, friendly, and most importantly, kind. Him being kind is what made Wayo fall in love with him. Wayo had witnessed Phana being selfless and considerate so many times. 

 Phana was always looking out for his fellow students.

How could Wayo help himself from falling in love with such a person?

Upon approaching the classroom, Wayo heard voices. He had thought Phana would be alone. He usually was this time of day. What should he do now? 

Today was the last day.

Wayo put his back against the wall just outside. He tried his best not to be seen or to make any noises. He knew he shouldn't spy on others' conversations, but upon approaching the classroom door, something he overheard stopped him dead in his tracks. 

He listened intently to the conversation being discussed.

It seemed that Beam and Kit, Phana's best friends, were interrogating Phana. Asking him if he had anyone that he was interested in. Specifically, if he was interested in a certain junior of theirs's. 

Wayo froze. 

His breathing quickened waiting for Phana's answer. In the three years Wayo had been in love with Phana, he had never seen him date anyone. Could Phana be in love with someone? Everything in his heart weighed on what Phana would say next. Anxious Wayo, gripped the box in his hands tighter, and waited.


"We've seen you staring at him for three years now, there has got to be something to it Pha" Beam said. 

Phana remained silent. 

Yo tried desperately to steady his breathing. "Come on Pha, we're your friends, it's ok if you like him" Kit went on to say. 

"I don't know what you guys are talking about" Phana said defensively. 

Beam shook his head and sighed. 

"This is the last day of school for us. Tomorrow you may not get the chance to tell him. Don't you at least want him to know that you like him. Are you really gonna be ok with him never knowing?" Kit questioned.


"Pha?" Beam urged loudly. 

Suddenly Wayo heard a loud bang, like someone had punched a desk. He flinched.  What he heard next felt like someone had crushed him. It became hard to breathe. His whole world, all the love and admiration he had felt for Phana didn't make sense anymore. 

Wayo's body ran cold. 

What had he been thinking? Putting so much of his heart into such a heartless person. How could he have been so wrong? Non of this made any sense. He couldn't believe Phana was really this cruel. Where was the kind and considerate person he fell in love with? 

But Wayo had heard the cruel words straight from Phana's own lips.

"Look guys, I'm telling you, I do not like that little weirdo. The only reason I've ever stared at Wayo is because he's a freak." Phana blurted out. 

Kit looked a Phana in shock. 

"I mean come on, look at him. He's a complete nerd. Glasses, pimples, he's practically a social experiment gone wrong. Even if I was gay, and I'm not. Why would someone like me ever want to be with someone like him" Phana spat out.

Wayo didn't want to listen anymore. He had heard enough. The person he adored more than anyone else, was not who he thought he was. 

Wayo willed his legs to move. He desperately needed to escape this nightmare, but his whole body felt so cold and frozen. Tears slowly began falling down his face. His hands felt numb as he started to squeeze the box he held as tight as he could. 

Losing his grip, the small box dropped to the floor producing a crash. In the empty hallway, the noise seemed to echo. In Wayo's panicked state, his legs finally started to move. As he rushed to escape, he was only able to pick up the confession note he had written. He didn't even care that he left behind the box he had brought for Phana. 

He just needed to get away.

Phana, Beam and Kit all jumped when they heard the small crash just outside the classroom. They had thought they were alone. Phana, fearful someone had overheard their conversation, rushed out to see who was there. Kit and Beam trailed behind him. 

When they reached the doorway, all they heard was someone running down the stairs that where at the end of the hall. Phana ran after them. When he was about to start going down the stairs, he heard the door to the outside courtyard slamming shut.

"Pha, stop", Beam yelled out. 

Phana paused and looked back at Beam. Beam was holding out a small box for him to take. 

Beam had been the only one to notice the box on the floor by the doorway to the classroom. He had picked it up and looked inside. After seeing the box's contents, he handed the box to Phana. 

"I hope you meant what you said about not liking Wayo, because if not, I think you just Fucked up!" Beam said with pity in his voice. 

Phana gave Beam a curious look and then opened the box. Inside was a black leather band and on the underside of the wide silver clasp, was an engraving...

To P,

All my love


Phana raked his hand through his hair in frustration. "FUUUUCK!", he yelled out as loud as he could. He stood and strode over to the locker and punched it. 

"Jesus, Pha", Kit admonished running to Phana and grabbing his hand to see if it was bleeding. "When the hell did you start to punch things?" 

Phana yanked his hand away and strode down the hall back to the classroom. 

Author's Note:

Again, this is my first time writing. Please be kind with your comments. If you must criticize, please make it constructive.

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