Phana POV

Uhhh, my head was killing me. How much did I drink last night? I sat up in my bed rubbing my face, trying to clear the sleep from my eyes. I looked over at the clock and saw it was almost 11 am. 

"Shit" I said aloud shaking my head. Well at least I didn't have any classes today. I got up and went to the bathroom. I jumped into the hot shower and washed the alcohol smell from last night off me. I finished getting ready then called Beam and Kit to see if they wanted to get some lunch before heading over to the practice building.

I shook my head and laughed when Beam said that Forth wasn't letting him leave their bed until at least noon, but that they would meet me around 1pm. After I hung up, I called Kit three times, but he didn't pick up. I guessed he was sleeping off last night's hangover too.

I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet, then headed out to the café near my dorm.

After eating I got in my car and headed to the practice building. I walked up the stairs and saw Kit sitting on a bench watching the juniors' practice. As I approached him, I followed his gaze to see who he was looking at. I smiled when I saw who it was that he was watching.

He jumped when I asked him "Hey, how long have you been here?"

"Shit Pha, you scared me." He said shaking a bit. "Um, not long actually. Like maybe 5 minutes".

"Oh yeah", I replied sitting next to him and turning my gaze to watch Wayo. He was smiling while doing his routine with the Star of his faculty. He looked so beautiful smiling like that. It caused a flicker of jealousy in my heart. I badly wanted to be the one to make him smile that way.

I needed to start courting him. To show him how much I cared.

After a while, I heard the senior instructing them to gather round, that she had some instructions to give them, then they could all take an hour for lunch. She started explaining next week's schedule, and then reminded them about their individual talents. They had until next Friday to let the staff know what they were doing and if they needed any props. 

She went on to tell them about the beach resort they would all visit next weekend to take videos and photos for the campus' promotions for the following year.

Once the senior was finished speaking, she said they could all take their lunch break. Right about then Beam and Forth arrived. "Did you guys eat yet, wanna grab some lunch?" Forth asked. 

"I was actually thinking about asking Wayo" I stated. "Maybe Kit should ask Ming" I teased. "I don't know what you're talking about" Kit retorted angrily. "Oh, come on Kit, Pha was just teasing" Beam said with laugh.

"You guys think you're so funny huh, well maybe Pha should pay attention to his own business, because from what I'm seeing, Wayo's being flirted with pretty hard right now" Kit said mockingly.

This got my attention. I stood up and looked over trying to find where Wayo was. I spotted him with a guy over by the stairs that led out to the exit on the opposite side of the practice room. The guy was laughing and kept touching Wayo's arm when he spoke. Whatever he was saying, it was making Wayo smile. 

Furious, I started to rush in their direction when Kit and Beam grabbed me.

"What are you doing Pha?" Beam gritted. "You can't just storm over there". 

"The hell I can't. Wayo Is Mine!" I must have said it a little too loudly because people began to look towards us. 

"Pha, listen to yourself. You have to calm down. Wayo is not your boyfriend. You have no right to be angry" Kit said quietly trying not to draw any more attention towards us.

Wayo is... MINEWhere stories live. Discover now