Wayo sat on the bench in front of the grand piano. It was stationed in a corner near the stage the band from the previous night had used. His eyes scanned the room, noticing the decorations from Phana and Pring's party had been removed. The balloons, streamers, candles; all gone. Not a trace of them could be found.

'How different the room looked now', he thought to himself.

The bright lights above illuminated every corner of the now quiet bar. Without the music playing and the people crowded inside it seemed so empty.

Wayo observed how in less than 24 hours, the feel of something as simple as a room, could be so unlike what it previously presented itself as.

Under the cloak of darkness, it was a mysterious, romantic space meant to invoke hidden desires from the people who visited it. It convinced you that you belonged there. It poured lies into your mouth to lower the barriers you created to protect yourself; to persuade your body and mind to stay.

But in the light of day it revealed itself as something completely different.

Changeable and inconsistent.

"How could Phana change so quickly? It just proves he's never meant anything he's ever told me", Wayo muttered to himself.

Deep in thought, Wayo was jolted out of his reflections when he heard a noise. "Someone must have come into the bar, probably a staff member", he murmured to himself.

 He checked his watch and was shocked to find that he had been sitting at the piano for over an hour. He had been so distracted, he had yet to play a single note.

Determined to play, he raised the lid of the piano and brushed his fingers gently along the keys. He removed his brace and clenched his fist a few times, testing to see if there was any pain.

He began by playing familiar notes to stretch his fingers and get a feel for the piano. He tried numerous times to play a piece he knew well, but his heart wasn't in it.

His fingers kept stumbling and missing the notes.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' he thought to himself feeling aggravated. 

He massaged his wrist trying to convince himself that it must be his injury that was creating the problem, but deep down he knew it had nothing to do with his wrist and everything to do with the Phana. 

Putting his head in his hands, he took a deep breath and slightly shook his head as he let his hands slide down his face.  His life felt so complicated now. A few weeks ago all he wanted was to focus on his music and have a great college experience. Have fun with Ming, meet new friends, and to not feel heartbroken anymore.

However, at that moment, Wayo felt like his heart couldn't take all the confusion it was feeling.  It felt like every time he believed he was taking a step back from Phana, and he was finally moving on, Phana would do something that drew Wayo's thoughts to him.

What Wayo was bothered most by at the moment, was how contradictory Phana was being. Just the previous night, Phana was adamant that his relationship with Pring was being forced on him and that he wanted Wayo to wait for him, then today, he's happy with Pring, and wants them to be friends.

Could he ever truly trust him?  

How could he be expected to believe that Phana just wanted to be his friend?  

Without realizing, his fingers began to glide over the piano keys. 

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