Hey to All of My Amazing Readers, 

Here is your latest update. I hope everyone is staying home and being safe during our current crisis.  Happy reading.


Shen Panitchatasawad stood over his son's hospital bed. He brushed the strands that covered Wayo's forehead aside. A single tear escaped his eye as his most precious treasure lay perfectly still before him.

Hearing someone clear their voice behind him, he pulled out his handkerchief and patted his face. Turning to face the doctor, he waited patiently for the report on his son's condition to be explained to him.

"As I explained earlier, upon arriving at the hospital, blood was taken, and we found a large amount of GHB in his system. GHB can cause many side effects including confusion, headaches, amnesia, and loss of conscious, as well as a few others. Your son has been unresponsive to stimuli since arriving at the hospital. We believe he has had an adverse reaction to the drug causing him to be unable to wake up. Once we flush the drug from his system, our hope is that he will begin to respond and wake up. This, in addition to the markings on his body, leads us to believe he did not take this drug voluntarily".

"Do we know who is responsible for doing this to my son?" He asked the doctor as he unconsciously began cracking his knuckles.

"Unfortunately, we do not at this time", the doctor answered.

Wayo's father closed his eyes in an effort to control his emotions. Who would want to do this to his sweet little boy? He turned his attention back to his son. He could make out the faint words that marked his child's body.

Steadying himself, he asked, "And the words on his body?"

"We believe that they were written on him with some type of make-up, but we can't be sure. We did take pictures and samples", the doctor answered.

Shen Panitchayasawad bent over and kissed his son's forehead. "I want this cleaned off of him as soon as possible. I don't want him to see it when he wakes up", he demanded to the doctor.

The doctor nodded to the nurse and replied, "I'll have a nurse attend to it right away".

Upon hearing the doctors reply, Wayo's father buttoned his suit jacket and exited the hospital room where he was met by Kiet, his head of security.

"Sir, Master Ming is downstairs in the waiting room. He's accompanied by 2 young men from the college. I've done a preliminary check on both. Mongkol Intochar, known as Kit, is a 2nd year medical student and Park Wongkrittiyarat, who is also a 2nd year, but is studying in the business management department. Master Ming arrived at the hospital together with Mr. Intochar. However, Mr. Wongkrittiyarat accompanied Master Wayo to the hospital in the ambulance. He stated to the paramedics that he is Master Wayo's boyfriend. We have yet to confirm if his statement is true".

Wayo's father rubbed his hand harshly over his chin as he tried to place the name he just heard, "Why does his name sound so familiar?" He asked himself aloud. "He is Ms. Lawana's son Sir", Kiet answered him.

Upon hearing this name, Wayo's father raised his eyebrows in surprise. He put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath, "Is that so? Well, I believe it's time I met the young man. He and I should have a proper conversation. Arrange a private place for us to have a discussion".

"Yes, Sir".


Park POV

I felt like I was going out of my mind just sitting here. It had been nearly 7 hours since Yo's father had entered the hospital and I still had no idea what Yo's condition was. I glanced over at Ming. He looked just as frustrated as I did. I could see that Kit was trying to soothe him by holding his hand, but Ming was too agitated.

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