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Wayo woke up to someone shaking his leg and calling his name. He opened his eyes looking around trying to remember where he was.  Leaning on the bed to sit up, he felt a shooting pain in his wrist. 

"Shit", he yelped grabbing his hand.

The memories of what happened the previous day came rushing back.  Growing up, he couldn't remember a single person ever hurting him the way Phana's father had.  His own father never even spanked him as a boy.

It was hard for Wayo to reconcile what happened and still leave Phana blameless, especially when he thought about Phana's parting words to him after the incident.

He felt another jolt of pain when he tried to adjust his position on the bed.

"Hey Ming, in those bags, Park said he bought a box of pain medication for me, can you bring it here... Please?" he pleaded not wanting to move yet.

Ming retrieved the medication and poured him a glass of water. He brought them over to Wayo handing him the pills first, then the water. Wayo sat in bed for 20 minutes until he felt the pain in my wrist begin to subside a bit.

Once he was able to clench his fist without it hurting too much, he got up and walked over to the bags. He pulled out the new uniform, boxers and socks Park had purchased for me and placed them on Ming's bed. He then grabbed the bag with the toiletries and placed them next to his clothes.

Ming glanced into the bags. "Looks like he thought of everything", he said with a raised eyebrow, "I woke you up early because I figured I needed to take you to your dorm, guess that's not the case now".

"I know. Seems like overkill, but he just wanted to be sure I had everything I might need", Wayo insisted, defending Park. Ming held up his hands in surrender, "I wasn't saying anything", he laughed.

"So, where did you go last night? I didn't hear you come in", Wayo taunted. Ming ignored the question. "Are you going to get in the shower, or do I have to throw you in there?" Ming barked, irritated that he was being teased back.

Wayo laughed out loud as he made his friend upset, then grabbed a towel and went to get ready to start his day.

While Wayo showered, Ming sat on his couch and remembered his visit to Kit's.


The previous night

Ming POV

While waiting for the elevator to take me to Kit's floor,  I ordered food for Wayo, and Park. Hanging up, I walked down the hall towards Kit's room.   

As I approached, I could hear yelling inside. I immediately started banging on the door in concern. "Kit, open up. Are you ok? What's going on?" I kept repeating until the door was yanked open.

I was greeting by a very annoyed, very pissed off Kit. "I'm fine. Can you lower your voice now?" He barked at me. I gave him a stern look and moved him aside as I entered the room.

Phana was sitting on his bed. "What the fuck is he doing here?" I asked rounding on Kit. "Well for one, he's my friend, not that you have any say so in the matter", he replied angrily.

I took a step away from Kit. "That's not how I meant it. I was just worried that I heard arguing, I'm sorry", I said hurt. "I'll just go", I added turning to leave.

Kit took an exasperated breath. "Ming, wait. He's just here to let me know he's leaving for a few days.  He got in some trouble over what happened between him and Park.  His father even made it so he had to change his dorm room", Kit explained.

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