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Orientation was everything that Wayo had anticipated it to be. Mostly lectures filled with rules, expectations and inconsequential information that was obvious to most. Still, he listened intently like the now good student he was. However, towards the end of the presentation, for lack of a better word, there was one aspect Wayo hadn't foreseen. 

The students were told about the Campus Moon and Star competition. Each department was asked to nominate one boy and one girl to represent their department. Those students would then compete to be named the University Campus' Star and Moon. From what Wayo understood a type of beauty pageant. 

Wayo never would have imagined that a fellow student would nominate him as the Music and Arts department's Moon.

Moon and Star practice would begin in 2 days. Wayo was not exactly happy about being his department's new Moon. Even though they were exempt from their classes during practice, Wayo was afraid his music would suffer  Not to mention the endless practices and activities he was told that would be involved. 

When he asked if this was something he could decline, he was told categorically "No". That his classmates were counting on him, and that as a new student he should try to fulfill the expectations and hopes of the person they chose to nominate.

After orientation, Ming was waiting for Wayo so they could go to lunch together. They decided to walk as the food stall wasn't that far away. As they walked, Wayo complained about having to participate in the Moon and Star competition. 

"I don't know what you're so worried about. I'm going to win it anyway", Ming said with a laugh. "Wait so, were you-". 

"Yup" Ming replied without letting Wayo finish. "Well at least I won't have to do this alone" Wayo sighed. Ming shook his head. "It won't be that bad. Besides Yo, you need to learn to have fun again. You spent way too much time last year studying and on that piano bench" Ming said once again lecturing him. 

Wayo just rolled his eyes.

As they walked along the sidewalk, talking and laughing, oblivious to the people around them, a figure stood in Wayo's way, stopping him from being able to continue. Without bothering to look up, Wayo tried to step around whoever the person was. 

The person stepped back in his way again. 

Confused Wayo look up. He saw a tall well build man, however he couldn't see the man's face clearly as the sun was making Wayo squint. "Excuse me" Wayo said politely, as he side-stepped the stranger again.

 Ming then grabbed Wayo's arm to keep him still. Wayo looked back at Ming, "What?" he asked confused and then noticed the hesitation on Ming's face. Wayo then heard a voice say:

"Hello Wayo"

He knew that voice. Even after a year of not hearing it, Wayo knew exactly who the owner of that voice was. That voice sent a stab straight to his chest.

Wayo looked up. He must be dreaming. How was this happening? At first the shock of it made him speechless, all the hurtful words Phana had said about him came flooding back. A tidal wave threatening to knock him down. Wayo felt his hands squeeze into fists. He felt himself get angry, not angry at Phana, but angry at himself. Angry that just hearing Phana's voice could affect him so much. 

But then to his surprise, an eerie calm came over him.

"Oh Hello Phana, I'm sorry I didn't see you there, I don't think we were paying attention. Please excuse us." Wayo said very courteously with a smile. 

Wayo again made a side-step and continued walking towards the food stall refusing to look behind him. Once Ming got over his own shock at Wayo's behavior, he caught up to Wayo as they were approaching the food stall. Wayo still hadn't spoken. Ming ordered for both of them and they ate in complete silence.

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