Park POV

I stood outside the clinic, watching Yo being driven away by Ming. I smiled and waved when Yo looked back at me. Once the car was out of site, I turned and walked to my car, anger simmering just below the surface of my calm demeaner.

Allowing others to witness me being angry was a sign of weakness. I could never let them know they had gotten to me. Besides, it would spoil the surprise when I retaliated.

In time, I would make sure those who hurt Yo, would suffer.

For now, I had plans to execute.

I called Sun, to make the arrangements. Tonight would be a busy night for me, and I had multiple tasks for him to complete that I didn't have time to do myself.

He confirmed that he understood what I needed and would make the necessary preparations. After which, I placed a call to Pring, giving her a heads up on her next task. It took very little persuasion to get her to agree.

Satisfied that things were in motion; I drove to my first destination.

Parked in the lot next to his dorm building, I watched in appreciation as the movers took no time bringing down Phana's furnishings and belongings. With every box I saw deposited in the truck, the more gratified I became. I had succeeded in driving a wedge between Phana and Yo.

One which I would make sure could never be repaired.

I exited my car and leaned on the hood as the movers continued their work, a triumphant smile on my face. I stared at the doors of the building, just waiting. Knowing that soon, I would achieve a small measure of enjoyment.

Phana soon exited the building carrying a duffle bag. He walked towards the parking lot where his car was parked. Nearing his car, he noticed me leaning on my car watching him. He put his bag in his car and strode over to where I had my car parked.

"What are you doing here? Wayo isn't here", he snarled. "Oh I know he's not.  I know exactly where he is. Aren't you even going to ask me if he's alright?" I asked sarcastically. I smiled at the guilt that was now written all over his face.

"Don't worry too much, he'll be fine. I'll take care of him", I pointed out. Phana became visually upset after hearing me say this. I smiled wider.

"You shouldn't be so smug, just because I'm moving dorms doesn't mean I've given up on winning him back", Phana declared.

I took a deep breath, shaking my head in pity for him. "That's the difference between us Phana, I'm not smug; I'm careful, concise, and willing to do whatever it takes to make Yo happy", I lectured, "And you Phana, do not make Yo happy. Quite the opposite".

"So, you're here to what, gloat?" He questioned. "I would never", I answered innocently. "I'm actually here waiting for them", I said pointing to the newly arrived truck. 

Phana looked over curiously.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. "You have finished clearing out my new room, right?" I asked, then held out my hand to him waiting. He looked at it bewildered.

I gave a short laugh, "The key?" He looked utterly bewildered. Ok maybe I was being a little smug, but there was no need to admit that to him.

"No", he exclaimed. "No, you can't". He was shaking his head like that would make any difference. 

"It's done", I stated.

He stormed up to me, his face bright red. The veins in his throat bulged as he grabbed my shirt at collar. "Be careful Phana, someone could be filming us again", I mentioned nonchalantly.

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