I know it's been a while since my last update, but I wanted to be sure where I was taking this story before I wrote anymore.  As an apology, I will be uploading 3 new chapters. Happy Reading!!!!

Love, Sammi 


The sun had yet to rise when Wayo opened his eyes to find himself tangled around Park. He sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and inched his way to the edge of the bed. His body felt sore and a little weak.

He slowly rose, putting on the robe that was on a chair next to the bed.

Being careful not to wake Park, Wayo walked to the balcony doors that were in the living room and opened them.   The morning air smelled of the ocean and sand.  He leaned on the railing and watched as the sun slowly climbed its way out of the ocean, welcoming a new day with colors of orange, yellows and pinks.

The scenery reminded Wayo of how he was currently feeling.  It was a new day for him; a new start.  

He touched his fingers to his lips remembering how Park had kissed him, then ran them slowly along his neck, immersing himself in the memory of Park's gentle touches.  He smiled to himself as he recalled how it felt when Park made love to him.

He looked around at the flowers and candles that had been set up for him the previous night and realized he had no regrets about accepting Park as his boyfriend.  If this was what it would be like dating him, Wayo felt like maybe he had found someone who would really cherish him.

Feeling something on his foot he looked down to see a black ribbon lying on the ground. He bent down to pick it up, when he felt something dangling from around his neck. He put his hand to his chest to feel it.

It was a chain with something hanging from it. Curious, he turned to face the window to try to see his reflection. Laying in the center of his chest was a gold key on a gold chain. He rubbed the key unsure why it was there.

Spotting the orange box, Wayo thought back to the gift Park tried to give him the previous night. "Why a key?", he spoke aloud to himself, fingering it as he looked out over the ocean.

Lost in thought, Wayo was startled for a moment when he felt a pair of arms encircle his waist hugging him from behind.

"Hungry", he heard Park ask next to his ear. "Mmhmm", Wayo answered nodding his head. "You go ahead and take a shower, and I'll order some breakfast", Park suggested giving Wayo a kiss on the cheek.

Wayo pulled out of his embrace and walked to the bathroom that accompanied the master suite. He opened the glass door and went inside to turn on the shower. He found everything he would need for a shower on the counter next to the sink.

He removed his robe and inched under the hot water, sighing as his body got used to the temperature.

While lathering the soap on his chest, he felt a hand take the soap from his. Turning around, he came face to face with Park. He couldn't control his eyes as they scanned Park's naked body. His face flushed when he realized what he was doing.

Putting the soap to Wayo's chest, Park rubbed it in circles washing Wayo's skin. Noticing Wayo hesitating, Park leaned in and whispered, "I've seen and felt every inch of your body, you never need to feel shy with me. You're beautiful".

Wayo turned to face away from Park embarrassed. Park used the soap to wash Wayo's back, then placed it aside, in the caddy. He rinsed Wayo's body off rubbing his hands along Wayo's hips. Park kissed the back of his neck and shoulders, causing Wayo to moan. He pressed his chest to Wayo's back and reached his arm across Wayo's chest to massage the front of Wayo's neck.

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