Phana POV

I woke up on the couch in Pring's suite. I glared sleepily at my watch and saw that it was almost 8am. I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. My head was still pounding from the fight Pring and I got into the night before. We had gotten back from Kit's party and she kept trying to kiss me. She was acting stranger and more insistent than normal. 

I finally had to shove her away from me.

She had looked at me like she was confused. She approached me slowly and tried to place her hand on my crotch. I had to slap her hand away, "What do you think you're doing?" I asked her irritated. She looked at me questionably as if she wanted to say something but wasn't sure she should. 

"Are you feeling alright Pha?" she asked me while glaring at me.

Confused I nodded, "Yeah, Pring. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" She started pacing and mumbling to herself in an agitated tone. I looked at her like she was crazy, "Um, are You Ok?" I laughed out. She stopped pacing and glared at me, then made this high-pitched squeal. I took a step back surprised. "What is the problem now Pring?" I asked cautiously.

"Him, he's my problem. You don't get it; everything was fine before him. He did this to you. Have you looked at yourself lately Pha? Hmmm? You're a fucking mess. It's disgusting. You're disgusting. When did you become so fucking weak" she furiously railed at me.

Not wanting to fight with her I made my way to the door. She ran in front of me to block the door so I couldn't leave. "I saw it you know. I bet you think it means he still cares, but it doesn't. He's let you go. All you have now is me", she wailed pointing at my chest. 

"What are you talking about?", I asked but somehow already knew the answer. "I saw the recording on your phone. The one of him playing that stupid fucking song downstairs in the bar. God he's so fucking pathetic", she answered in a patronizing tone.

I shoved her up against the door. "How did you get into my phone?", I breathed out through clenched teeth. She just laughed at me mockingly. I regretted my next words as soon as I said them knowing I would pay for them eventually, but my anger had gotten the better of me.

Looking at her straight in the eyes, I lowered my head and so our noses where a mere inch apart, "You are nothing compared to him. You are the pathetic one. The thought of touching you makes me cringe. I may need to put up with you, but I will walk away from everything and everyone in my life before I ever marry you. Do you understand. Never!"

She gave me a hard push. "You'll regret this. I promise", she screamed then stormed out of the suite. Grateful for the peace and quiet, I laid down on the couch and pasted out. I wasn't sure, but I think she came back with Patty sometime later on. It woke me for a minute, but then I fell back to sleep.

Now, all I wanted was a strong cup of coffee and a shower. The small kitchenette had what I needed to make a pot of coffee and while it brewed, I took a hot shower in the bathroom that was off the guest room. Once I was dressed, I drank my coffee as I packed my suitcase, wanting to get back to school and away from Pring as soon as I possibly could.

As I was making my 2nd cup, Pring emerged from the master bedroom. She came into the kitchenette and poured herself a cup and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. I tried to pull away but wasn't fast enough. She smiled and took a sip from her cup, then began humming. 

Completely thrown off by her change in demeanor from last night I gave her a questioning look. She just shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

Not giving a shit enough about her to care, I shook my head and went back to finish my packing.

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