🙄 Dating Stanley Would Include... 🙄

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-so much sarcasm

-cute hugs where he rests his head on top of yours

-going on picnic dates

-laying down on a blanket at the park and reading a book with your head in his lap as he bird watches

-taking forts to the extreme

-not a lot of kissing in public

-so much kissing in private

-richie walking in on you guys kissing


-"richie, get oUT"

-playing with his hair

-him complaining but lowkey loves it

-him telling you random facts about random birds at random times

-him picking you flowers on walks

-putting them in your hair

-you doing the same

-movie nights alllll the time

-comforting each other after seeing your fears

-staying with him outside the well

-the losers making fun of u guys 24/7

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