😊 Cuddling 😊

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-such a sweetheart


-he's the big spoon because he's so much taller than you

-kisses your neck

-occasionally turning your head to meet his lips

-constant "I love you"s

-you telling him about your day and vise versa

-holds you loosely


-your head on his chest

-telling each other lame pick up lines

-your arms wrapped tightly around his waist

-one of his hands resting on your lower back while his other is under his head

-being all mushy with each other

- "i love you so much"

- "you mean the world to me"

- "i can't imagine life without you"


-you laying between his legs

-your back against his chest

-his arms are wrapped tightly around your chest

-him playing with your hair

-inappropriate comments

-lots of laughing

-playing with his fingers

-him blushing every time you laugh

-because he loves your laugh so much


-rests his head on your chest

-you running your hands through his hair

-him caressing your sides

- "I'm sorry we always have to hang out at your place"

- "its okay, ed. Your mom doesn't treat you right..."

- "but you do"

- "i try"

- super cute tickle fights

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