😤 Fights 😤

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Requested by: vialtes thank you for this it was really fun to make!! Also, I'm making a Finn Wolfhard Imagines book today bc I love him :)


-you don't fight often

-but when you do its big fights

-mostly over how bill spends more time missing georgie than loving you

-he forgets every anniversary/ birthday since georgie has been gone

-starts with you giving him the silent treatment

-he finally realizes and asks whats wrong

-you blow up and yell at him

-he yells back just because he's defensive

-he knows you're right

-he usually ends up saying something hurtful like "i don't need you" or "you're so selfish" without stuttering

-thats when you storm out the door

-because you know he meant it

-after three or four days he comes to your house to appoligize

-he makes up for whatever event it is that he forgot

-you forgive him because you know he usually isn't like this

-he lost his brother and you're understanding of his emotions


-literally like once a week

-but they aren't big fights

-he just gets stressed and yells things he doesn't mean

-things just slip pit that is geared towards someone else

-but he makes it sound like he's mad at you

-you get angry and yell back at him, telling him he had no right to say that

-appoligizes immediately after

-you forgive him right away because you love him and you know he's like this

-its a part of his personality

-he still feels bad so he ends up taking you on a romantic date


-surprisingly not often

-its only when richie is jealous

-he ends up yelling at the guy and dragging you away from him

-you get mad because you were having a good time and weren't aware of any flirting going on

-he's really insecure and lets you know that by yelling

-you lowkey like fighting with richie because he's hot when he's mad

-ends up shoving you against a wall and kissing you deeply

-whispers "you're mine" in your ear over and over

-proves it


-its rare

-the only time you fight is when one of you has had a bad day and you take it out on the other

-you take some time away from one another to cool down

-after a few hours you both appoligize and make up

-you talk about what bothered the one who lashed out in the first place

-very understandingnof one another

-you cuddle for a few hours, just staring into each others' eyes and talking

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