💉 They're in the Hospital 💉

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    Bill had his arm around you as you walked to his house from school. It was Friday, and you guys had plans to go out to dinner, catch a movie, go on a romantic walk, you couldn't wait. You almost fell over at a joke he told, but his grip on you tightened. You thought he just didn't want you to fall down, until you looked back up to him to see him no longer smiling. "Bill? Whats wrong?" You asked him.

    "Shh. J-just keep walk-ing," he whispered, looking straight ahead. You wanted to ask what was wrong, but you knew that if he told you be be quiet and seemed worried, then you should be quiet. After a minute you heard whistling.

    "Wow, Denbrough! You're really growing up! You have a g-g-girlfriend now!" Henry came out of no where and yelled, mocking your boyfriend. You turned around to see him with his goons, walking toward you two.

    "Bill, come on. Let's get out of here," you said, tugging his hand. He shook his hand free from your grip before defending himself.

    "Y-you s-s-suck Bowers!" You looked at him in shock. There was no way Henry wouldn't beat him to a pulp now. Henry ran up to him, yelling in anger. You quickly pushed Bill put of the way and ducked, Henry flying over you.

    "Leave him alone, you coward!" You screamed in anger. Then you saw it. That devilish smile, the reflective metal he removed from his pocket. One click and it revealed a blade on one end. "Henry, don't you dare," you growled, but it was too late. In the blink of an eye, you screamed, Henry charged, and Bill was on the ground, bleeding. You ran over to Henry and ripped the knife out of his hand, throwing it into a lake.

    "My knife! My old man will kill me if he finds out I lost it!" Henry exclaimed and he and his friends ran off to the lake to find the weapon. You looked down at Bill to see him struggling to grab your hand. You took his hand and made him sit up. He groaned in pain, his face scrunched up. You looked down to see blood seeping through his shirt. You lifted it and gasped. He had a cut on his arm, one on his face, and a few on his legs, but this one was deep. You decided that the humiliation didn't matter anymore. You ripped your shirt off and tied it around his wound tightly. He used you as support as you walked, he limped, to the nearest hospital. Once you got in the hospital, a few nurses separated you from Bill to check you for injuries.

    "I'm fine, really! Please just go help Bill!" You begged them. They examined you anyway. After what felt like forever, they gave you a gown to wear to replace your shirt. A nurse came back to you after a few minutes.

    "Mr. Denbrough is asking for you," she said. You hesitantly walked into the room Bill was in. His face was scrunched up, and he seemed to be in an immense amount of pain. He opened his eyes when he heard footsteps and looked at you.

    "Y/n, y-you're okay. Thank g-g-gosh," he whispered.

    "Me? I'm more worried about you, baby. I'm so sorry I wasn't quick enough to protect you," you whispered and sat on the edge of the bed, putting your hand on his forehead above a bandage and caressing it sweetly.

    "D-don't be," he smiled at you. "You s-s-saved my life. If it w-weren't for you, B-Bowers would probably be trying to f-f-figure out where he should h-hide my body right now," the boy said with a charming smile. You chuckled softly and looked down at his body, looking at all of the bandages on him. Sadness must have been evident on your face because Bill weally lifted up your chin with his hand to look at him. You met his eyes and he shook his head gently. "I love you. You're such a strong, independent woman and I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you, really." You stared at him and took his hand in yours, removing it from under your chin.

    "You didn't stutter once," you smiled with tears in your eyes. Bill smiled at you and nodded before pulling you down beside him to hug you.


    You were in school, not bothering to listen to your teacher. You kept thinking about the fact that Richie wasn't in school today. He was probably just skipping, but what if something bad really did happen? You pulled the hoodie you were wearing closer to yourself, smelling it. It was Richie's. It smelled just like him, and thankfully was able to put you at ease. As you doodled in your notebook, you couldn't help but overhear your teacher, who was on the phone with the principle. "Oh, no. That's awful! Sure, I'll keep him in mind. I'll get my class to sign him a get well soon card! Alright, bye." You watched her hang the phone up on the wall and stood up.

    "Mrs. Harelton, what was that about? And, who was it about?" You asked. The entire class looked at you. You barely spoke up in class, so this was surprising to them. However, they all were aware of you and Richie. You may be quiet, but Richie was Richie. He kissed you in front of everyone and informed them of how you two were an item.

    "Sweetie, that was your principle. Richie Tozier is in the hospital. He was hit by a car while riding his bike. How would we all like to make him cards today in class?" The teacher asked, trying to lighten the mood. Everything around you was becoming a blur. Your Richie was in the hospital. Slowly, you stood up, shaking. "Y/n, why don't you sit down? You don't look well. Do you want to go to the nurse?" You shook your head, not able to form an answer.

    "I gotta go," you choked out and ran out of the room.

    "Miss y/l/n! Come back in this room right now!" But you were already out of the school. You grabbed your bike and rode it to the hospital as fast as you could. Tears welled in your eyes, blurring your vision, but luckily traffic wasn't bad at this hour, so you made it to the hospital safely. You didn't even bother to put the stand up on your bike before running inside, you just jumped off of it and let it fall to the ground. You sprinted in the hospital and ran up to the front desk.

    "Hello, can I help you?" The woman asked. You took a moment to catch your breath before nodding.

    "Richie... Tozier," you breathed out, wiping the tears from your cheeks.

    "Are you family of his?"

    "No, but you don't understand. I have to see him, I'm his girlfriend and I love him and-" the woman cut you off by holding her hand up to you.

    "Just sign this paper and you can head on in. Its the second room on your right."

    "Thank you!" You sighed in relief and signed the paper before running into the room. There he was. Laying there. He looked so helpless and yet so peaceful at the same time. His eyes were closed, and he was lying on his back. You pulled up a chair to sit beside his hospital bed and took his hand in both of yours gently, kissing it. He had a broken leg, arm, three ribs, and one of his fingers was in a splint. He had a few cuts on his head and chest, and bruises were everywhere. Seeing this brought even more tears to your eyes. The love of your life was in an immense amount of pain, and you wished for nothing more than to trade places with him. After a few minutes, he shifted and his eyelids opened. He squinted at the bright light before looking over at you, and his hand that was in yours.

    "Hey hot stuff," he said with a lopsided smile.

    "Hey, babe, how are you feeling?" You asked and let go of his hand, kissing his cheek.

    "Like I got hit by a car," he chuckled. You rolled your eyes at his sarcastic comment and shook your head. "I'm assumung you're my girlfriend because of how you're acting and your voice, but I can't see anything," he added, squinting. You smiled softly and took his glasses from the side table, placing them on his face.

    "Richie, I'm sorry I wasn't there when it happened..."

    "Don't be, beautiful. You're here now. And thats all that matters," he whispered before attempting to sit up to kiss you. You smiled and pushed him back down gently so you could kiss him and he wouldn't have to hurt anything else.

A/n~ Hello guys! So for this preference I only wrote about Bill and Richie because these were kind of long and took me a while to write. If you'd like me to do a part two for Eddie and Stan, let me know! I'd be more than happy to, thanks! -Lyss

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