😱 They Scare You 😱

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-you were just chilling on your bed in your room

-you and the losers had defeated Pennywise that day

-you were listening to music and reading a book

-you heard a knock on your window and screamed, thinking the clown was back

-you grabbed a baseball bat from the corner of your room and walked to the window which was covered with a curtain

-pulling the curtain back, you jumped when seeing a figure

-but it was just bill

- "why didn't you just go to the front door?"

- "r-richie told me t-t-this was romantic"

- "yeah, well, richie's an idiot. Come in"


-you and stanley had just finished eating

-you had been more jumpy than usual today

-you were washing dishes

-stanley came up from behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist

-you screamed

-he quickly backed away from you, confused

- "did i do something wrong?"

- "n-no, no. I'm sorry, I'm just not myself today"

-he smiles and hugs you tightly

- "its okay. We all have days like that"


-you both were walking home from the arcade

-henry made some suggestive comments towards you

-richie got into a fight with him

-he didn't win but got a few good punches in

-you walked him to your house to clean him up

-he put a hand on your cheek so he could lean in to kiss you

-stops when he noticed you flinched at his hand

- "babe... whats wrong?"

- "you just scared me, is all..."

- "no, no please don't be scared of me. I love you so much i didn't mean for this to happen"

-after a few more minutes of him hugging you, you aren't scared anymore :)


-you guys were just kinda chilling at your place watching a movie

-it was a horror movie

-and there was a jump scare coming

-and eddie sneezed

-you screamed and jumped up, staring at him

- "what the heck eddie!?"

-the real jump scare happens on the television

-you scream again

-eddie turns off the tv and pulls you into his lap

- "its okay, im sorry for sneezing"

-makes you laugh

-turns on a comedy

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