😄 You Do Something Unexpected + A/n 😄

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-you cursed

-he thought you were extremely innocent

-so he just looked at you with wide eyes

- "y-you need to s-stay away from Richie"

- "oh, please, bill. I curse all the time when you aren't here. Ask anyone"

-so, he called Stanley, Richie, Eddie, Beverly, Mike and Ben

-they all had heard you curse

- "why am i the l-last to know?"

-he felt left out lmao

- "bill, you're a sweet and amazing guy. I didn't want you to leave me"

- "i-i would never. Besides, I curse too"

- "you do?"

- "yeah. Sh*t"

-you smile and kiss him sweetly


-you stood up for him

-Henry had stayed home from school that day because he was sick

-but his friends were still present

-Patrick pushed Stan to the ground

-he took his kippah and was about to throw it

-you came out of nowhere and ripped it out of Patrick's hand, helping Stanley stand up

- "get out of here, Patrick"

-annoyance is evident in your voice

-after a while of arguing back and forth Victor came and convinced him to go torture someone else

- "wow... I didn't know you had that in you. you're so shy"

- "I'm not letting anyone get away with bullying you"

-you kiss his cheek

- "thanks, y/n," Stanley said softly and put his kippah back on

- "no problem! want to go get some ice cream after school?"

- "yes please"

-he gives you a sweet kiss before going to his next period


-you punched Henry

-Richie was at the arcade and talking to Henry's little cousin

-you walked in and joined the conversation

-you were all having a good time until Henry came in

- "you trying to bone my little cousin? get out!" Henry yelled at Richie

-sick of Henry picking on Richie, you punched him

- "leave him alone! your cousin just wanted to hang out with people who aren't jerks!"

-you kept punching him

-Richie had to pull you away

- "wow, that was hot"

-had this stupid smirk on his face

-you kissed him roughly before taking his hand and walking to your house


-you trashed Richie back

-he was making fun of you and Eddie in a joking manner

-as always

- "hey, Eddie, do you think y/n will grow to be as fat as your mom?"

- "hey, Richie, do you think you'll ever have a girl to talk about other than Eddie's mom?"

-Eddie looked at  you with wide eyes

-Richie looked at you, speechless

-he usually would have a comment but no one expected you to say something like that

-Eddie gave you a fist bump

-casually wraps his arm around your waist, proud to be able to call you his

A/n- hey everyone, I think its time I explain my inactivity.  A little bit ago I began to spend less time on my phone because I realized that I am in love my best friend. But he wants to ask another girl to the dance coming up, so I've kinda been moping around instead of doing what makes me happy, like writing this book. I want to do what makes me happy again, so here I am! I will be more active now. Thank you all so much for sticking around! I know it took me a while to return but I'm here now and I love you all 😊💕

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