🙈 He Gets Embarrassed 🙈

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-you two were walking up the stairs in your school to get to second period

-he was telling you a story about how Richie fell off his bike

-which was ironic because right then he fell down the steps

-he fell all the way to the bottom of the stair case

-he groaned and his entire face went red

-you gasped and immediately ran down to help him

-you gathered his books as he sat against the wall, out of the way of the other kids

-he gripped his ankle and you waited for everyone to get to class

-after the bell rang you walked him to the nurse

-you had to tell the nurse what happened because he refused to speak

-you pinky promised not to tell the other losers

-he made you guys take the elevator for the rest of the month


-he never admitted it, but he secretly loved to sing

-not even you knew this

-and he wasn't the best singer out there

-but he wasn't bad either

-you and the other losers were going to his house to tell him you all were going to the quarry

-his dad let you in and you all walked to his room

-you could hear him singing behind the door to his bedroom

-you wanted to keep listening, but Richie decided to be himself

-he pushed the door open, laughing

- "No, really Stan, just move to Hollywood already!"

- "Shut up Richie"

-he's a blushy boi

-you don't bring it up a lot because you know he's embarrassed

-but when you're alone you start singing the song you had heard him singing and he gets quiet and smiles


-he tried to kiss you in front of a few kids at school

-usually you would be okay with that

-but you were on your period so he was annoying you that day

-you rejected his kiss

-everyone laughed at Richie and said he lied about having a girlfriend

-he got mad at you

-wouldn't come out of the bathroom for a few minutes

-when he did come out he had a few tears streaming down his cheeks

-after a while he finally agreed to hear you out

-he understood but was still upset at your timing

-the next day you kissed him in front of the whole cafeteria

-he felt a lot better

-kept his arm around you all lunch


-he wanted to learn how to dance 

-homecoming was coming up and he was taking you

-he was extremely nervous so he had gotten Beverly to teach him

-now, he was alone in his room practicing

-he had his arms out, imagining they were around you

-soft music played in the background

-and he hummed along to it

-it wasn't for a good minute and a half before he realized someone was watching him

-he was worried it was Pennywise so he quickly turned and faced the door

-but it was worse than Pennywise

-much worse

-it was Bill with a camera, recording him and laughing

- "Bill, get the hell out of my room"

-slams that door so fast

A/n- hey guys whats new with you? Whats new with me? Oh, not much. I just fell UP the stairs today in school, have a good day :)

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