😔 You Reject His Kiss 😔

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-he wouldn't pay attention to you for an entire year after Georgie died

-you were having an awful day

-you went to hang out with Bill, hoping he could cheer you up

-immediately brought up Georgie, making you more depressed

-you brought up that you didn't want to talk about Georgie

-he called you selfish

-you reminded him of how he's been treating you lately

- "have you ever asked me how i am, bill? because i'm terrible. i do things for bowers just so he leaves you alone, things i refuse to talk about. i spend most of my nights crying because i get all dressed up and go to places where we are supposed to be on a date, then you stand me up because you're too busy planning for Georgie to come home. i miss you"

-feels so bad

-misses you too

-you start walking away but he grabs your wrist and kisses you

-you pull away

-he's hurt you too much

-you start to walk away again

-mutters "i love you" under his breath

-first time he's said it in nine months

-you hug him tightly

-he hugs back, wrapping his arms around your waist

-you cry into his shoulder

-you both go hang out in his room with music and snacks


-you were giving him the silent treatment

-you didn't really have a reason you just like annoying him lmao

-rolls his eyes every three minutes

- "y/n, come on. its been an hour. i want to talk to you, i miss your voice"

-literally made your heart melt

-but you stood your ground

-you sat on his bed

-he sat down next to you and started tickling you

-you started laughing obviously

-took this as his opportunity to kiss you

-but you were too fast and turned your head at the last second so he kissed your cheek

-groans in frustration

-crosses his arms and pouts like a little kid

-you finally give in and kiss him gently


-boy said something stupid what did you expect

-made a comment about your relationship in front of the losers that you didn't approve of

-you walked away angrily

-walks after you

- "come on, y/n, you know i didn't mean it"

- "or did you?"

-steps in front of you so you can't walk away from him

- "i'm so sorry, please forgive me"

-you walk AROUND him

-he didn't think that through tbh

-tackles you on the grass

- "please please please i'm really sorry y/n"

-leans in to kiss you but you purse your lips together so he can't

- "y/n"

- "richie"

-tells you everything he loves about you while still on top of you on the grass

-you forgive him and kiss him once he agrees to stop squishing you


-why would you even avoid his kisses he's too pure

-but if you did it would be because you're mad he didn't defend you against his mother

-you stay mad for a few hours

-every time he's tried to kiss you, you pull away

-you two sit on your couch and hold hands, watching movies though

-just no kissing

-you realize his mom controls every aspect of his life

-you shouldn't be mad for something he can't really control

-in the middle of a movie you turn and kiss his cheek

-he looks at you, still sad

-you take it as your opportunity to connect your lips

-you can actually feel him smile into the kiss he's so happy

A/n- Guys a kid in my class who sit next to me literally looks like a mix between Finn and Jack and he's so sweet help my soul

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