😟 They Hurt Your Feelings 😟

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-you were spending a ton of time studying for your final and not paying bill any attention

- "y/n, there's no p-point. Only really smart people pass finals a-any way"

-you look at him, shocked

- "no, i d-didn't mean it like that, baby im s-sorry"

- "then how did you mean it, bill?"

-you slam your book shut and walk out your room

-he gives you some time to yourself

-goes to find you in the kitchen, crying

-walks up behind you and rubs your shoulders

- "i m-meant that its really hard to pass, b-baby. I don't want you f-focusing all of your time on it. You need t-to live a l-little, have fun"

-you sniffle and nodded

- "you're right"

- "I'm s-so sorry, that was a t-terrible thing for me to say"

- "its okay"



-he was talking to the new girl more than you

-he seemed so interested in her

-when she kissed his cheek and he smiled you couldn't take it anymore

-you ran out the school

-stanley ran after you

- "y/n, wait, whats wrong?"

-grabs your wrist to slow you down

- "why were you flirting with her, stanley!?"

-tears pouring from your eyes

- "i wasn't! I was just helping her! And she has a girlfriend"

- "girlfriend?"

-stanley nods and pulls you in for a hug

- "i would never, ever cheat on you. I'm so sorry, i should have told you about this"


-made a joke about your weight in front of the others

- "y/n, should you really eat that cookie? I thought you were trying to lose weight, not gain it"

-you look at the cookie and set it down, laughing

- "ha, yeah, you're right. Thanks for reminding me. I just remembered I have to go home, i have a huge test to study for"

-you can hear the losers scolding richie as you leave

-after a while you hear someone run up to you

-you turn around to see richie

- "y/n, im so, so sorry. That was a dumb joke, it wasn't funny at all. I'm the absolute worst boyfriend ever, you're so beautiful"

- "no, babe, really. Its fine, i didn't mind at all"

-but your tears say otherwise

- "no... please don't cry..."

-but you do

-and you hug him tightly as he rubs your back, appoligizing over and over again


-you were laughing at something with bev while the other losers were talking

- "y/n, please your laugh is so loud"

-you were shocked

-silent for the rest of the time

-eddie noticed and approached you

- "hey, are you okay?"

-you didn't respond

-after a while he realized what he did wrong

- "y/n, please forgive me, i didnt mean it. Your laugh is my favorite sound in the world, we were just talking about some serious stuff"

-it took you a while but you forgave him

-when you did you went to your house and shared many kisses and hugs while watching movies

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