👶 You Want a Kid 👶

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-you and bill were baby sitting georgie while his parents were out

-you were all playing with his legos

-georgie was being adorable as always and giving his lego people names and careers and families

-bill played along

-you were playing along too, until you saw how into the game bill was with georgie

-they were so close, bill almost hugging him as they had their lego people work

-you were just staring at bill

-georgie had to go to the bathroom

-when he left bill looked at you

- "w-why are y-you staring at me y/n?"

-you responded by kissing him sweetly

-he kissed back, smiling before pulling away

- "g-georgie can come back any second," he warned, not wanting his little brother to see you guys kissing a lot

- "you're so good with him" you sighed

- "thanks" he responded with a proud smile

- "billy, let's have a baby"

-he looked up at you, mortified

- "y/n, we're th-thirteen!"

- "i know but, come on! Please?"

- "we haven't e-even has sex y-yet!" He protested

- georgie returned

-bill began playing with him again, as did you

- "i cant wait t-to have a family. But i want to w-wait a while," bill made his lego person say as he looked at you

-you smiled and kissed his cheek

-georgie is just there hella confused


-your new baby cousin had just been born

-you and stanley went to visit him

-you noticed how sweet stanley was with him

-it made you so soft

-the two of you left the hospital and were walking back to his house

-you were being more touchy than usual

-holding his hand was all you usually did

-but today you were stopping him occasionally to hug him and kissing his hand as you walked and tracing shapes on his arm

- "okay y/n, whats going on?"

-he stops you and you two sit down on a near by bench

- "stan, when can we have a baby?"

- "what?"

- "you were so sweet with my cousin's baby today and it was so cute and i want that to be our child"

-he laughs and pulls you into his side

- "lets wait a little bit longer until we start a family. I want it to be just us for some time, okay?"

- you nod and lean against him


-you two were laying in his bed while watching a movie

-you were just casually cuddling before you saw a baby in the movie

- "aww, richie, she's so cute!"

- "eh," richie laughed and laced your fingers

-you sit up and straddle his waist

-richie smiled and pulled you down to kiss him sweetly

-you deepened the kiss in no time

-he reached over to grab a condom but you stopped him

- "no condom this time," you whispered, biting your lip

-richie's eyes widened

- "babe, i think we need it..."

- "richie, i want a kid"

-you kiss him again

-he pulls away

- "woah, babe, we're way too young for a kid, we practically are still kids! And... and i don't even want a kid right now"

-you groan and keep trying to kiss him but he pushes you away

- "hot stuff, don't be mad at me. Please"

-you cross your arms and refuse to look at him

-he tickles your sides while laughing, causing you to laugh

-the both of you continue watching the movie while spooning

- "im sorry for being like that earlier, rich"

- "its okay. Maybe one day in the far... far future, we'll have a kid, yeah?"

-you nod and hug his arm closer around your waist


-his mom had been lecturing him as usual, and you were next to him to witness it

- "honestly Ms. K, we weren't doing anything dirty in his bedroom. We were just talking and playing-" but she cuts you off

- "look, miss y/l/n, i never liked you, and i never will. I plan on breaking you two up, one way or another. Now get out of my house."

- "okay," you shrugged and grabbed eddie's hand, walking out

- "eddie, get back here!" She protested

- "sorry, we can't hear you!" You yelled as you continued to run with eddie

-you stopped outside of the arcade to catch your breath

- "i will never, ever treat my kids like that" you mutter while still catching your breath

- "yeah," eddie agreed

- "well, we could start now" you suggested

- "haha, very funny"

- "im serious, eds. Come on, we can handle a kid!"

- "at fifteen? Yeah, no. Not for a long, long time," he shook his head

-you both agree to wait several more years before having a kid together

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