💔 Break Ups 💔

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Requested by vialtes


-he offered to tutor another girl

-you didn't mind at first but when you came to his house one day you saw her pinning him against his bed and kissing him

-you were petrified and ran out of his house as fast as possible

-he found you at the quarry, sitting on a rock and sobbing

-he sat next to you and wrapped his arm around you, kissing your cheek

-you stood up and pushed him away

- "no, bill! I never, ever thought that you would cheat on me! Thats why i was never overprotective, but i guess i should have been. You cheated on me, bill. We're over"

-you stomped off to your house


-he thought you were being too clingy

-recently you had been put on a new anxiety medication and it had been making you feel insecure

-you didn't tell stanley you were on medication because you didn't want him to think you were insane

-you had been calling him constantly and asking him if he still loved you

-he got sick of it and told you he needed a break


-his words broke your heart but you understood

-you gave him one last hug before going to your house and crying in your room


-he made a hurtful comment in the form of a joke

-you were usually able to brush those off because you were used to it

-thats just who he is

-but he made fun of one of your insecurities unfront of the losers

-you stared at him, shocked before running away

-bev ran after you and embraced you in a hug

-you asked her to break up with richie for you because you didn't want to see him

-she stayed with you for a little longer before going to tell richie


-he thought you were in love with mike

-he knew he could never be as loving or as calm as mike

-so he ended things with you

-he didn't give you an explanation, just said he didn't feel like you two were a good match

-this obviously broke your heart because you thought you and eddie were perfect for each other

-he had even given you a promise ring because he said he wanted to marry you one day

-you respected his wishes and went home

-you didn't cry, though

-you knew he didn't really want to break up, he was just going through something

-you waited for him

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