Clingy- Bill Denbrough

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A/n~ thank you guys so much for 100 reads, it means a lot! I love you!

Y/n/n= your nick name

You were in love with Bill Denbrough. There was no hiding it, everyone knew. They could all see the way you looked at him, how you gasped softly even at the smallest of touches, he just made you happy. All of the losers thought you were cute together, especially your best friend, Stanley Uris. The both of you had been inseparable since kindergarten, but you were spending less time together these days. You were always hanging out Bill. Not that that was a bad thing, but Stanley missed you. Thats why you two were hanging out today. Stanley wanted to catch up. You had plans to go and get lunch, and you were currently in your room getting ready. You opened your make up drawer before you heard a knock at your front door.

You sighed and looked at your watch before going to answer the door. "Hello?" You asked as you opened it, expecting Beverly to be there since she had left a bracelet of hers at your house and was to come by later and pick it up. That's why you didn't think twice before answering the door in your shorts and sports bra. You gasped when you saw Bill and quickly slammed the door shut. You slipped on a tshirt before opening the door again to see a blushing Bill. "Hey, what's up?"

"H-hey, can I come i-in?" He asked, looking down nervously.

"Of course," You nodded and moved out of the way so he could enter your house. "Come upstairs, we can talk while I get ready."

"Ready? Ready f-for what?" Bill asked as he followed you.

"Stanley and I are going to that cute diner on the corner," you said as you began to apply foundation. Bill took a deep breath, causing you to look at him.

"Are you okay?" You asked him, concerned. You noticed his jaw clenched. It was hot, but you were worried nonetheless.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. S-so, you're putting on m-m-make up to go out with Stanley?" Bill asked you. His cheeks were burning up and you noticed his hands clenching into fists. You looked at his hands and took one in your own as you applied foundation.

"Well, yeah. Not for him though. For me. My acne is bad right now, I don't want to go in public like this," you said and gestured to your face.

"B-but you're so beautiful. Y-you don't need it and you d-d-don't wear make up when we go on normal dates..." he said sadly.

"I didn't think I had to... I'm sorry I'll start wearing make up when we go out, okay?" You offered, suddenly insecure. You set down your foundation and picked up your blush, applying it generously.

"N-no! I didn't mean that! I mean t-that it seems like you're trying really hard for Stanley b-b-but I'm your boyfriend," he explained.

"Billy, I love you. I'm so in love with you I never stop thinking about you. That's why Stan wants to hang out with me, because I never hang out with him anymore. He misses me, and I miss him, okay?" You replied while finishing your eyeshadow and red lipstick. He looked at you and nodded.

"Can we cuddle w-when you get back?" He asked you slowly.

"Of course," you giggled and gave him a kiss, leaving your lipstick on him. You walked over to your closet, grabbing his hand so he came with you. You flipped through the hangers before picking out a white crop top. Seeing the horrified look on Bill's face, you put it back before taking out a baby blue romper with a floral design. His expression relaxed as he kissed your cheek. You walked into the bathroom and curled your hair a little before putting on the romper and stepping out. Bill's eyes widened when he saw you.

"Y-you look s-stunning," he whispered. You smiled softly and looked at him as you slipped into a pair of flip flops. 'Maybe I should be more understanding of his jealousy. I have to admit, I love Bev. But sometimes the way she makes him smile bothers me,' you thought to yourself as you walked up to Bill and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. He kissed back, wrapping his arms around you waist. You pulled away when you heard your doorbell.

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