📖 You Let Them Read Your Diary 📖

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-you let him read a page about how much you love him

-he's a blushing mess

-reads its over a few times

- "y-you actually l-l-like my stutter?"

- "of course. It's adorable"

-gives you sweet kisses a lot more now

-whenever he's sad he thinks about it

-can't believe someone loves him this much

-is less insecure then before


-you let him read a page about your insecurites

-he's shocked because he thinks you're perfect

-slowly closes the diary before hugging you tightly

-has tears in his eyes

- "i swear I'll remind you every day of how beautiful you are"

-writes you little notes daily and puts them in random places for you to find

-constantly touches whatever you're insecure about (unless its like eyes or something lmao that would be painful)


-you let him read a page about wishing you were popular

-laughs when you mention popular kids from your school

- "y/n, they suck."


- "plus, have you seen her boyfriend? He's like six feet tall and a football player. Wouldn't you rather have me?"

-makes you laugh so hard

-you realize you're happy being in the losers club, and only the losers club


-you let him read a page about your anxiety

-feels terrible you feel this way

-feels even worse when he finds out you've felt that way when he was there

-feels like he should have been able to stop it

-cuddles you for the rest of the night

-tries to make you feel as comfortable as possible at all times

-if he thinks you're acting strange he pulls you away from people and just talks to you and hugs you

A/n~ Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was celebrating Thanksgiving :) for those of you who celevrated it, I hope you had a wonderful holiday! This is just a reminder that requests are open and very welcome! Have a great day! -Lyss

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