💉 They're in the Hospital pt. 2 💉

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    Great. Your boyfriend, Stanley, was now an hour late. You knew he had plans with Bill and Mike before coming to pick you up for the dance, but an hour late? You had gotten dressed up and were now sitting on your couch, staring at the clock. You had on a red dress that was tight at the top but opened up a little past your waist, a pair of black heels, red lipstick to go with your night make up, and your hair was half up half down. It took you two hours to get ready. The phone rang, causing you to jump out of your thoughts. Sighing, you stood up and went to answer the phone. "Hello?" You answered, playing with the cord.

    "Y/n, Stanley won't be able to make it to the dance tonight. He's in the hospital." You recognized the voice as Stanley's father.

    "W-what do you mean?" You asked as worry flowed over you.

    "He fell. Over at the quarry. I have to go fill out sone papers, but Stan wants you to have a good time at the dance, okay? Have fun!" He said before hanging up. You felt hot tears in your eyes before shaking them away, not wanting to ruin your make up.

    You had to walk to the hospital. You couldn't bike or run in these shoes. After what felt like ages, you were in the hospital. You were about to walk up to the front desk before you saw Rabbi Uris, who waved you over. You stepped into Stanley's room and put a hand over your mouth. He had injuries all over his head. "Is he going to be okay?" You asked the nurse.

    "He should be fine," she nodded with a smile. Stanley's eyes opened and he looked at you.

    "Wow," he whispered and sat up. You blushed and walked over to his bed. "You're so beautiful. I'm sorry I couldn't take you out," he appoligized, causing you to shake your head.

    "There will be other dances. There's only one Stanley Uris," you smiled and pecked his lips. Stanley smiled widely before looking at his dad.

"Y/n, could you go to the waiting room for a few minutes?" He asked. You were caught off guard, but nodded and walked to the waiting room. You heard Stan and his father whispering as you left, but couldn't tell what they were talking about. After about twenty minutes, a nurse came to get you, her smile huge.

    You stepped into the hospital room to see a few balloons on the floor, two candles lit, and the lights were dimmed. A smile spread across your face as you looked around. "What's this?" You asked as you looked at Stanley, who shakily stood up.

    "You're getting to dance tonight." Stanley said, looking at you with love.

    You looked at the nurse who nodded, whispering, "he can dance for one song. Then he needs to rest." You nodded and the nurse and Rabbi Uris stepped out of the room. You looked at Stanley with a huge smile on your face. He took a container out of his bag. A corsage. You helped him pin the flower to your dress. He looked at you for a while before turning around and clicking a button on a radio. A slow song began to play, and Stanley placed his hands on your hips. Yours went around his neck as you two swayed to the beat. You got lost in his eyes as you placed a hand on his cheek. His smile widened and he pressed his lips to yours sweetly. You pulled away after a few seconds and rested your head on his shoulder, him doing the same.

    "I love you, Stanley Uris," you whispered.

    "I love you too," he whispered before twirling you and bringing you back to his chest.


    You had been in the hospital for a day now. After the event at the well house on neibolt street, Eddie's mother had rushed him to the hospital, and it was taking a while for his arm to heal. You had stayed the night because you refused to leave Eddie's side. You woke up due to someone shaking you and looked at Eddie. "Y/n? Do you want to go home?" He asked you, causing you to shake your head. You looked at his cast and noticed a single word written on it. Loser.

    "Ed, who did this to you?" You whispered and ran a hand through his hair.

    "Gretta," he sighed and covered it up with his good arm. She came in to deliver my medications since I can't go get them myself, and my mother insisted they be delivered," he said, ashamed.

    "I swear I'll beat her up," you said angrily, but Eddie just shook his head.

    "She's right. I am a loser," he whispered, looking down. You stared at him in disbelief. You couldn't believe the boy that you loved so much said that. You grabbed a red sharpie from the table beside you and took Eddie's good arm, moving it to the side so you could see the cast. You slowly changed the 'S' in loser to a 'V'. The smile on Eddie's face made your heart melt.

    "You aren't a loser, Eddie. Gosh you're- i don't know. I love you so much. And I need you to forget about her opinion because it doesn't matter. All that matters is what you think of yourself, and I need you to think of you the way I do. Okay?" Eddie slowly nodded and hugged you close with his free arm. You sighed and kissed him deeply, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You're so hot," you giggled softly against his lips.

    "You are too," he smiled before he heard a nurse knock on the open door in the hallway, clearing her throat.

    "I need to check Mr. Kaspbrak's vitals," she informed the both of you. You nodded and moved away from him. The nurse began to take his blood pressure as Eddie looked at you, winking.

A/n~ yo I'm sorry this sucks I've been super busy today and im re-binging stranger things atm oop-

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