😮 You Hug Him For the First Time 😮

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-he had failed one of his final exams

-it was a huge part of his grade and he had studied a ton for it

-he knew when he got home his parents would yell at him

-he was sitting in the grass outside of the school

-you walked up to him and sat down, setting your backpack beside you

- "hey, Billy. whats wrong?"

-he tells you everything

-you wanted to tell him everything was going to be okay, but he started crying

-not wanting to see your friend cry, you embraced him tightly

-he didn't hesitate to hug you back, crying into your shoulder

-it didn't feel unnatural at all

-you didn't pull away for several minutes

-you helped him tell his parents

-you held hands the whole time

-ya'll started dating after that :)


-you invited him to come over and skateboard

-he had never done it before, so you were teaching him

-he was doing okay until he attempted to do a trick you had taught him

-he ended up falling and scraping his knees

- "sh*t, Stan, are you okay!? I'm so sorry, I should have taught you better"

- "I'm fine, y/n/n, don't worry. hey, do you think you could help me up?"

- "yeah, of course!"

-you take his hand, about to pull him up, but he pulls you down into his lap instead

-you screamed, causing him to laugh

-you two had been dating for about two weeks now

-you were both laughing before you made eye contact

-you pecked his lips (also your first kiss aw) before hugging him gently

-he hugged you back, blushing

- "you want me to clean you up?"

- "yes, please"

-you pulled away and actually helped him up this time

-you bandaged him up

-ended up in lots of making out


-you finally beat his high score in street fighter

-you were so proud of yourself

-you knew he was upset

- "how the hell did you beat my high score?!"

-you weren't dating (yet ;) )

-but Richie was a close friend of yours, your closest being Bill

-you didn't have anyone else to hug so why not

-you turned around to face Richie and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly

-he was so confused and surprised

-found it hard to be mad at you now

-it took him a second but he did wrap his arms around your waist and hugged you back

-whispers in your ear

- "don't worry. i still have a few tokens left"

-smirks as he pulls away and inserts a token into the game

-he reclaimed his high score


-Greta had written loser on his cast

-he was in his room, crying

-you knew his mother wouldn't allow you into his room

-so you sneaked in through his window

-thankfully it was open

-you saw him leaning against his bed, crying into his hands

-you didn't say anything, just sat next to him and put your arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you

-he let out a loud sob

-you looked down at his cast and saw what was written

-you wanted to ask 'who did this?' but you knew he wouldn't want to talk about it

-you picked up a red sharpie and wrote over the letter 'S' turning it into a 'V'

-he looked down at the cast, smiling softly

-you hugged him tightly around his waist

-he hugged you back with his good arm

- "i love you, Eddie"

- "i love you too"

- "no, Eddie. like, i'm in love with you..."

-he pulled away, shocked

-you were about to leave but he kissed you deeply

-you kissed back before pulling away and hugging him again

A/n- thank you all for 4k reads! it means the world to me!

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