🖥 Movie Marathons 🖥

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-not a ton of movie marathons

-you guys like to spend time together without the background noise

-you talk about everything you possibly can so you don't need the entertainment of the movie

-you entertain each other

-when you do have movie marathons it starts because one of you isn't feeling well

-no popcorn because one of you is ill

-but lots of soup and ice cream

-you usually watch science fiction movies but sometimes bill likes romantic comedies

-he would never admit that to the other losers

-only you know about it

-half way through the movie you cuddle because all of your food is gone

-bill sometimes cries at the romantic comedies


-you have movie marathons about once a month

-you beg Stanley to have them more but he insists you two ride your bikes and be healthy instead

-during marathons you play board games on the floor with the movie as background noise

-during really good scenes you'll both look up at the tv

-you catch him staring at you a lot

- "you're just really cute when you're focused on our movies"

-he makes you blushhhhhh

-makes hot cocoa and brings out a bag of your favorite chips

-he likes watching action movies and refuses to watch rom coms


-every night is movie marathon night come on its richie

-he likes horror movies and comedies

-totally down for a chick flick as long as you don't tell the other losers

-so cute when he gets into a movie

-but he likes comforting you during horror ones

-thinks its adorable when you move closer to him and close your eyes against his arm

-also loves your laugh during comedies

-thinks its perfect

-a lot of the time it turns into a pillow fight i'm not sure how

-mocks the characters you find attractive

- "dang he's hot!"

- *in a high pitched voice* "dang he's hot!"

- "shut up richie i do not sound like that"

-eye roll

- "im better looking than him anyway"

-puts his arm around you protectively


-his mom doesn't let him stay over at your house for long

-so you have no other choice but to sneak him out

-lots of blankets and pillows

-you practically make a full on bed on the floor

-eddie gets so excited for movie night

-its adorable

-likes action movies, like stanley

-but high key enjoys romantic dramas

-cries at Five Feet Apart (my fave movie besides It 😊)

-but also cries at Avengers: Endgame (yo can't blame him I did too)

-even with the happy movies he cries...?

-you aren't sure why but you think it's cute he's so emotional

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