😱 Dating Eddie Would Include... 😱

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-super awkward in the begining

-you being the one to initiate everything

-him being emberassed when you kiss him in public

-still kisses back tho

-loves it when you play with his hair

-super insecure about his height

-you love it

-always warning you about germs

- "y/n stop you'll get sick and die if you go in there!"

-eddie being jealous of richie

-"please dont take her from me"

-hugs are a MUST

-him being the small spoon

-doesn't admit that to the other losers

-keeping you calm during panic attacks

- "shh... i'm here"

-kissing him to shut him up

-helping him when he found out his mom made him take "gazebos"

-blushes whenever you compliment him

-cheek kisses

- "y/n?"

- "yeah?"

- "i love you"

- "i love you too"

-him loving your giggle

-the losers thinking you guys are adorable

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