😭 You Go Missing 😭

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-he's so pissed

-first Georgie, now you?

-he felt like he was being targeted

-immediately called the losers for a meeting

-informed them that even if they wouldn't help, he was going to find you

-tears of anger ALL the time

-is very quick to defend you when someone talks bad about you

-so determined

-won't stop talking about you

-everything reminds him of you


-pretends he's okay with it

-it is what it is

-someone was bound to get taken, it just so happened to be you

-gets home and locks himself in his room, crying all day

-comes up with 406 plans on how to get you back

-after a while he admits to the losers that he isn't okay

-shows them his ideas that he's mapped out

-begs them to go with him

-doesn't want to see the flute lady alone, but if he has to he'll go by himself

-sometimes talks to himself as if you're next to him

-literally so sad :(


-holy crap pennywise better run

-randomly screams

-all he talks about is killing that clown

-no longer makes jokes

-snaps at everyone instead of sassing everyone

-kind of turns into a jerk

-only has two emotions

-anger and sadness

-changes from one to the other so fast

-spends most of his time re-reading notes you had given to him, fiddling with little toys you had given him, and hugging your stuffed animals/ pillows/ clothes to smell them so he doesn't forget you


-pure sadness

-is in some serious denial

- "hey guys! where's y/n?"

- "eddie... she's missing, remember?" 

- "no, she's not. she's just playing a prank on us, is all," he reasons

-kind of just sits in a corner and stares at a wall once realization hits him

-cries himself to sleep

-gives up on everything

-even stops taking his medication

-until his mom yells at him

-then he throws them out his window, screaming

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