Chapter 7: Leaving Just A Memory

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(A/N): Hey there, it's me, the author, here to waste your time probably, but just wanted to make sure you know this:

(f/c) stands for favourite colour.

That being said, let's begin with another chapter of this story. Hope you enjoy reading it!


Roman POV

It had been storming last night. Not as bad as when we found (Y/N) some years ago, but it was quite a bad one. I really hope they stop happening in the future, I don't like it, I lose the roof of my shed again and Neo got a bit scared. But well, there's one big advantage of them: the crates. Those moments of happiness when you walk around the docks and find stuff that you can easily sell for a lot of money. Always nice, always handy, deal of the day time with Ivan. Speaking of him, he's with me again, just like Denise. There better not be another unconscious abused kid here though, once was enough for me.

Ivan: "Did you find something yet?"

Roman: "Nothing of any use, keep on searching."

Denise: "This search goes on, this search goes on."

Ivan: "Keep searching, keep on searching-"

Roman: "Enough! I swear, do you two have to make that joke every single time someone says 'keep searching' or 'keep on searching'? It's not even a good song!"

Ivan: "Dan would like to argue about that with you, you know."

Ah yes, Dan. How he's grown up. Sadly, he now listens to all these annoying songs that Ivan and Denise keep singing whenever you say even the slightest part of a line from them. At least no one said 'hey now' or 'I'm just trying to make you understand' or something like that yet. Those doom scenarios send shivers down my spine.

Ivan: "Would you look at that!"

Roman: "What is it?"

Ivan: "Come see for yourself, we found a little beauty."

Please don't let it be some woman or kid unconscious, please don't let it be some woman or kid unconscious.

Denise: "That indeed is a nice guitar Ivan."

The universe just has been saved, thank Oum. I swear, if I'd have to deal with another kid besides Neo, parenting would be too damn hard. Speaking of Neo, she's doing fine. Still hanging out with (Y/N) often, they built a treehouse together last summer with some help of Junior. Dan, the son of Ivan and Denise, like previously mentioned, visits them there sometimes. Must be cool to have a treehouse.

Ivan: "Yeah, I think it's a nice one too. In fact, the crate's filled with them. We could get some nice profit off these, you know Denise. Hey, these, Denise... That rhymes."

Roman: "Hang on, we won't sell this one."

I picked a (f/c) guitar out of the crate and wrapped it in some protective foil in a crate that was broken next to it.

Ivan: "Why though? You're stealing my money!"

Roman: "Technically, I'm stealing nothing, we found this on the ground, almost literally. And well, I still need a birthday present for (Y/N). It's in his favourite colour, Junior told me he'd wish (Y/N) got a hobby instead of waiting all day for Neo to come around so they can do something together and well, if he doesn't like it, he at least has some money."

Ivan: "Chill man, just take it, I didn't want to hear a full plea about why you want it, this isn't some court where you're trying to keep someone out of jail. Just take it, there's 3 others in it, I can easily sell those."

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