Chapter 27: An Ordinary Schoolday

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(A/N): Fun fact time. Don't you love these? Neither do I! Anyway, (Y) basically means the first letter from your name. So, if your name would be something like Stan and there'd be (Y)paghetti, it would actually read spaghetti for you! Not for most other names, but that's okay, I can handle the shame of that. Can you though...? Just kidding, time to get on with the story again.



After a good night's rest, we got up again the following morning. It was pretty fascinating how despite having been so tired of yesterday, with the full initiation, some of the students wanting to hang out with us and just trying to find our place early here, we still felt energetic nonetheless the following day. Sleep is wonderful, isn't it? Anyway, today is supposed to be our first real day here with classes and all. I'm not sure if I should look forward to it or not. I got dressed quickly and when I got back from doing that in the bathroom, I noticed everyone else was still asleep. I decided to go to the canteen in advance and let them get some rest if they still wanted to. After all, sleep is important. I arrived at the canteen and was basically the only one there, so I just sat down at a table and decided to play a bit on my scroll. It was then that I noticed my dad had sent me a message.

Dad: 'Hey there champ! Heard about yesterday, well done! I'm very proud of you, please don't ever forget that. Have fun today! Let me know how it was.'

I found it very sweet my dad still managed to send me something, despite having the bar and everything and having to sleep now. And so, I decided to send him something back, despite the fact he's probably already asleep now, like he should be. Anyone would and should be asleep by now if they'd worked all night in a bar. Knowing my dad, he probably stopped some fight from happening in there last night too.

(Y/N): 'Thanks dad, I'll be sure to let you know. I'll try to visit you as soon as I can on the weekend. See you later!'

I then got on with what I wanted to do: play a bit on my scroll. However, I barely had been doing that for two minutes, before I got interrupted by two hands being placed over my eyes. I probably went game over because of that.

(Y/N): "Let me guess... Neo?"

The hands were removed and I was greeted by the sight of Neo happily smiling at me when I turned around. I couldn't help but smile back. She showed me her scroll, some text being on there.

Neo: 'Good morning!'

(Y/N): "Good morning to you too Neo. How did you sleep?"

Neo: 'Quite well, how about you?'

(Y/N): "I did too, thank you. Oh, I forgot to ask you, Ozpin had put this in my dorm for me, the others have one too. The classes we need to attend to are on there: when they are, where they are, the full schedule. Do we have any classes together?"

Neo grabbed the paper from me, a curious look on her face. She studied it for a bit, then handed it back to me and smiled. I didn't get to know why she was smiling until she showed me her scroll again.

Neo: 'We got every class on there together it seems. This is going to be great!'

(Y/N): "Wow, didn't see that one coming, but that's pretty cool. Let's see, what do we have first... Combat from Goodwitch. Should be promising enough. Is she a bit of a nice teacher you'd say?"

Neo: 'Well, what's there to say about her? She does her job, that's about it. I guess she does it well enough.'

(Y/N): "Oh ok."

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