Chapter 40: Out Of Here

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Ghira POV

In a matter of minutes, no, rather seconds, everything had gone to shit. We were watching the 1v1 battles of that tournament when some weird girl held a speech and suddenly, war. I'd like to be able to say 'suddenly, pineapples' instead, but it seems luck is against me today. We fought off some Grimm and I was shocked to see White Fang members here. I knew what had happened in recent times, but still, damn. And then, some random human said it was time to go and they listened? This day can't get any stranger to me. This really is the end of the world probably. And just then, it got even weirder. Did I just jinx it or something? Fuck.

???: "You fuckers!"

I turned around, but couldn't see much as I was slapped with an elbow in the face and it hurt fucking much. By the time I got up again and had opened my eyes, I saw Kali was on the ground too, her nose bleeding. I'm guessing she also got punched by who or whatever that just was.

???: "Fucking bastard!"

Something jumped on my back and I fell over. I tried to roll over but the figure was faster and punched me in the face. Kali just screamed something that I couldn't hear well enough to make out what she actually said. Or well, screamed, given the volume. It was then I finally got a good look at who attacked me. And it was... FUCK. It was (Y/N).

Ghira: "What the fuck, you're supposed to be dead."

(Y/N): "You were supposed to be a good parent, what happened to that one?"

Before I could even tell him what a fucking waste of oxygen he was, he punched me again and Kali punched him off of me. I got up and was ready to kick him when someone dived it and tackled me down. All I could see was a flash of pink. Eventually they got up and it was just a small girl. Can you believe that? A small girl! This will be an easy fight.

Ghira: "Hah! You just sealed your fate to be filled with doom, little one! Prepare to go down and die for helping scum like him!"

However, it turned out to be harder than I thought it would be. She was quite fast and used some umbrella. Who the fuck uses an umbrella? They're not even cool! Ah well, she's about to die anyway. I went for a full frontal attack and nearly hit her when I got punched in the face and then I got kicked by the same person in the balls too. (Y/N) towered over me as I looked up at him, my nose bleeding from the sudden impact.

(Y/N): "I won't try to kill you. That'd be a really low move to pull on someone, especially when they're down and even more especially when they're family. I'll just leave you here to rot. Don't bother ever asking me for something and don't come look for me either. I know why you were here to begin with. I'll be glad to break something that isn't your nose the next time."

Ghira: "*in high pitched voice because balls hurt yikes* But we were only here because Blake was- OOOOF!"

I received a kick in the stomach from the small girl who then looked back at (Y/N) and smiled.

(Y/N): "Thanks Neo, you're the best. I could've handed it on my own though."

The short girl, apparently called Neo, looked at (Y/N) with a weird look and then punched his arm. (Y/N) held his arm with his other hand and looked back at her.

(Y/N): "Okay, okay, you're right. I probably deserved that. Come on, let's get out of here."

I watched them walk away, while I held my crotch in pain. There was only one specific set of thoughts going through my mind at that point.

Ghira: 'Oof, this hurts, my fucking balls... hurts too much...'


I looked at Neo and she looked back at me. I stared then at what was behind us. Although the attack was cancelled from the White Fang, Grimm had still been attacking and it was still a chaotic mess around here. It was only then I noticed the flying thing. I pointed up at the sky and Neo followed with her eyes in that direction. In the sky, there was some sort of huge dragon thing. Except, this was a Grimm. Well, shit. Looks like we'll die anyway. I must've been staring for quite some time now, because Neo waved her hand in front of my eyes, causing me to snap back to reality.

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