Chapter 37: Some Important Words

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I tapped Neo on her shoulder and she turned around. Then, she flashed me one of the most beautiful and biggest smiles I've ever seen. It's just so... enchanting and every time I see it, I can't help but smile back at her. If it wasn't for her, chances are increased with 50% that I'd be just a miserable piece of shit sitting on the couch all day. She took out her scroll and that way, our conversation really started.

Neo: '(Y/N)! I didn't know you were coming today! Oh, I'm so happy to see you!'

(Y/N): "I'm happy to see you too. So, how's life here?"

Neo: 'Ah, well, it's alright...'


Okay, okay, calm down. Yep, calm down, all you need to do for now is calm down. You're just going to ask him if you two can talk later today, or now at a more quiet spot and it'll all be fine. 3, 2, 1, here we go.

Neo: 'Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something.'

(Y/N): "Really? What is it?"

Neo: 'I can't tell you now. Do you think we can go somewhere to a more quiet place later today and talk about it?'

(Y/N): "Well, sure, if that's what you want."

Just then of course, Cinder had to walk up to us. I'm not so sure about her anymore lately. Ever since we got closer to the date she wants to actually run that plan of hers, she's been acting weird. Out of character. Or, perhaps we just never got to see the real Cinder? Mercury, Emerald and me never got to see it, that is. Perhaps this is how she's always been and she's just been keeping and pressing a different side of her low?

Cinder: "There you are Neo, you shouldn't just disappear like that."

Something about those words gave me a bit of a familiar sense. Like I'd heard them before, but just never really from her. From someone else instead. And also, a really long time ago. It was then, she noticed (Y/N) was with me. She didn't seem that enthusiastic. Really a shame to be honest. I always kinda hoped all my friends would get along with each other. But I guess that's not going to happen.

Cinder: "Oh, it's you (Y/N). I didn't know you were going to be here."

(Y/N): "Yeah, going back to Beacon was a bit unplanned, but well, I won't stay long if that's what you're worried about."

(Y/N) mumbled something after that, but I couldn't hear it all that well. Although it probably wasn't something nice, given the tone they seemed to have.

Cinder: "Would you repeat that please? I didn't hear those last words."

(Y/N): "Alright then, I won't stay that long if that's what you're worried about. As far as I know, that's the last thing I said."

I knew that it wasn't entirely the truth, but I didn't plan on saying anything about it. Cinder also clearly didn't buy it, but seemed to not care enough I guess.

Cinder: "Oh, ok. Neo, are you coming again? We still need to finish that project."

I knew all too well what kind of project that was. It was the one we were here for in the first place. A plan I had turned around on actually as soon as (Y/N) came here with me. Even though he'd probably make it out alive, I couldn't help but feel worried about other possible outcomes. I mean, after all, the whole plan was literally to just destroy Beacon. And Cinder had to take something, but I didn't know what. She never told us. 'Don't worry about it, it's not important now' was the answer she always used when we asked her about it. And literally, always. As if she'd suddenly become a robot.

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