Soccer Life

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"Okay girls we have a game in 2 weeks against Melbourne Victory. We have to bring it. I know it is the first round but they want revenge after we knocked them out last season. So we have to give it our all. Now let's get to work." Coach says and we all disperse. We start by doing some stretches and go into passing drills. I walk over to Sophia, she was my sister's teammate when she played with the Houston Dash. Sofia and I are passing back and forth and she is asking me how my day was, how school was too. We continue the small talk and passing until Coach blows the whistle. We all jog towards him. "Okay we are going to work on one on one defending. There are 3 fields with miniature goals, I need you guys to pair up and separate yourselves evenly among the 3 fields. Alyssa spots me and tells me to be her partner. I honestly love defending and playing against her because sometimes I make her look stupid. "Ready to go down Lys?" I tell the older girl shoving her slightly. "Whatever you say nugget." She says grinning. We decide to go first. Alyssa starts first. She try's to throw me off by moving her hips to the left and then quickly cutting back right, but I now all her moves so I catch the ball and take off with it and score. "Whoa, Teagan you just made your sister look like really stupid." Caitlin says. "Caitlin that was really rude to call the elderly stupid. Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders?" I say and Caitlin and I bust out laughing while Alyssa just sends us glares. "I'm kidding sis. You are not that old." I say giving her a thumbs up. "Bro you guys make me sound like I am 78, I am just 23." Alyssa says. Practice finished and Ante Juric our coach tells us we will have media day on Saturday. I take my gear off and put it into my bag. It is only 6:00 so I don't rush. "Mia, are we going to cook dinner or do you want me to pick something up?" Alyssa asks. "Well it depends what you are going to pick up. Because right now I could go for a nice Chicken Caesar Salad. Ouu and pink lemonade sounds sooo good right now." I say. Alyssa just rolls her eyes and told me she will pick us up food. So I decide to head home and shower. 

The drive home didn't take long. I arrive home within 25 minuets. I head upstairs to take a warm shower because man do I smell. I turn on my Spotify and jump in the shower. I rinse myself down and just let the warm water hit my skin. After about 15 minuets I decide to get out. I dry myself and change into shorts and a sweatshirt. I go downstairs and I see Alyssa on the couch on a call. She mutes the call and tells me my food is on the table. I grab my food and go upstairs, the phone call sounded really important so I decide to leave her alone. I turn on Netflix and scroll to 'The Office' I eat my Chicken Caesar Salad. I am watching the office when I decide to call my friend Kyra Thomas. I scroll through my contacts until I find hers. I decide to FaceTime instead of calling because I miss my favorite Aussie.

 "Heyyyy Teagan." 

"Hey Kyra! I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too! But hey I will see you in like 2 weeks."

"True. But I just wish you could fly in sooner so we could spend some time together!"

"Maybe, Ill think about it."

"You should've signed with Sydney just saying."

"You just want me there so we could cuddle."

"It is true I miss your cuddles."

"I know you do. Anyways it was great talking to you but I am about to eat dinner so I have to go. Love ya!"

"Love ya too!"

I press hang up. Okay maybe Kyra and I are a bit more than friends, but nothing ever happens. I finished my food and head downstairs to throw it. I see Alyssa dozing off on the couch, I tap her and tell her to move over to her bed. I kiss her on the forehead and tell her goodnight. She has been really stressed out lately, and I have been doing everything I can to help. I feel like I don't do enough sometimes, but I do what I can. I turn off the lights downstairs and lock all the doors. I head back up to my room. I turn on a movie, I watch the movie for about 30 minuets before I decide to go to sleep. I decide to leave my tv running and I just doze off into my sleep.          

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