Surf and Kiss

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"Our first heat of the Women's Juniors is about to go out. In the blue Lycra we have Samantha Poe From Malibu, California. In the Pink Lycra we have Kala Kea from Maui, Hawaii, next in the Yellow Lycra we have Teagan Sanchez from Sydney, Australia, and finally in the Green Lycra we have Gia Ekertstrom from Miami, Florida. Lets get started! The surfers head out to the water to start the Heat."

The announcer ends the introductions, I pick up my necklace that was my mothers and give it a kiss before tucking it into my Lycra which is my shirt that identifies who I am while I am out in the ocean. I grab my board and head out to the water. I paddle out and sit on my board, I loo out into the horizon analyzing each wave, looking for the perfect one. It has been about 5 minuets and a few good waves have come but not one I want to catch yet. The girl from Malibu had a nasty wipeout. I look out and see one brewing I turn my board and start paddling, It catches up to me and I stand up.

"Teagan Sanchez just caught one of the nicest waves we have seen all competition, let's see what she does with it. WHOA!!! Teagan just hit a super sharp Tail Slide, I don't think I have ever seen a junior do one that nice. She has amazing speed going into the kick flip. She is ridding this wave like she owns it. She went back to the basics with a nice cutback, but boy o boy was it a good one. She is killing it out there, I would be nervous if I was competing against this young talent. OMG SHE JUST LANDED AN ALLEY -OOP!!! This girl is crushing it!!!! She rides the rest of the wave out but man that was a perfect first go for the young skipper."

'Holy shit' I think to myself. I just went for that Alley-Oop I had no idea if I was going to land it or even complete it, BUT I DID! I am shocked as I paddle back out to wait for the next wave. The next go around I am going to try a more simple and try to get more tricks in. After about 3 minuets of waiting, I see a wave It has a nice texture to it. I start to paddle out and wait for it to catch me, I stand up and do my thing.

"Teagan is back on the wave. This routine seems more simple but it is excellent and she is hitting everything perfectly. She is gliding effortlessly along the waves. Her cutbacks are spectacular, and her 360 and Switch Stance looked effortless."

I finish my wave and go back to shore completely exhausted. Everyone cheers when I step on to the beach. I look up at the heat board and see that I am on top my first wave scored an 8, and my second scored a 7, I got a total of 15. I am at the top of the table right now. There are still 2 girls out and time is running down. I watch as they catch their waves, one wipes out and the other finishes her wave. Once everyone finishes they announce who is moving on.

"That is the end of heat one moving on is Teagan Sanchez with a score of 15 and Kala Kea with a score of a 13! Good Luck to everyone who competed, Heat 2 will start is 5 minuets!"

I am bombarded with people taking my picture and asking questions. I answer a few questions and take a few pictures before heading to the tent. I am wrapping myself in a towel when I hear someone say my name and I turn around. 

"Oh Hey Taylor!" I say

"Hey Teagz you did freakin amazing out there! You are literally a god!" Taylor says

"Well thank you!" I say patting on the seat next to be so she can sit down.

"You're welcome princess! Oh by the way Alyssa went to go get some food for us because she knows you get hungry after surfing." Taylor says and like almost on que my stomach growls. We both laugh at the moment. Taylor starts talking about this weird guy that was following Alyssa and her around and how he kept asking for hot dogs. I get up to change out of my swim wear. I take of my Lycra and bikini top and slip on a sports bra and a Vans surf shirt. I take off my bottoms and slip on board shorts, I just tie my hair up in a bun. Taylor is just looking at me. "What are you looking at ma'am?" I say jokingly 

"You." she says looking down at her feet. 

I walk up to her and grab her arm and pulling her up. I look into her eyes and smile. I rest my hands on her waist "What exactly were you looking at?" I say with a smirk.

"You, your body. You are just such a kind soul, you care about people like when we were at breakfast the other day and I went to the restroom and when I was walking out I saw you playing with that little boy while his mom was ordering. You care about other people besides you. Also you're like fucking hot. AND talented! I dunno maybe I like you." Taylor says blushing and immediately looks down. I use my index finger to lift her chin up so she is looking at me and I place a gentle yet passionate kiss on her lips. "Maybe that will help you figure out if you like me." I say after pulling away. "I think I figured out my answer." Taylor says with a smirk. "Yeah really? Maybe you could tell me what it is" and with that she placed a kiss on my lips.       

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